Say hello to Trnava - Trnava Travel Guide

Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.

Whether you are planning a one-day trip or a weekend stay in Trnava and its surroundings, you will get all the information to avoid being bored.


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Medieval Pressing



Neexistuje lepšie zakončenie

leta ako na Stredovekej

prešovačke v Trnave.

Otvorenie vinárskej sezóny

v duchu stredovekých

tradícií každý rok spraví

bodku za prázdninami.

Je vhodné pre všetky

vekové kategórie, teda aj

pre rodiny s deťmi, ktoré

sa naučia viac o pestovaní

viniča a výrobe vína hravou

formou priamo počas

lisovania hrozna v drevenej

kadi na námestí radnice.

Stredoveké tradície každý rok

Medieval traditions every year


There is no better way to

end the summer but at the

Medieval Pressing Celebration

in Trnava. The start of the wine

season in the spirit of medieval

traditions concludes the

holiday time perfectly. People

of all ages are welcome, including

families with children.

You will learn more about wine

making and wine production

in an easy way during the

treading of the grapes in a vat

right in the courtyard of the

Town Hall in Trnava.

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