Sketches 2020

A compilation of visual and written works completed by Macomb Community College students in their courses.

A compilation of visual and written works completed by Macomb Community College students in their courses.

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TIME, SPACE, AND SNACKS, Katheryn Wiganckow

“This piece was created as a final project to the discipline ARTT 1070 Basic Drawing

The assignment consisted of using any color media which had been taught, creating a

composition between 3 elements: mechanical, natural, and edible—met morphing at

least two of these objects.

In addition, it was not allowed to draw from reference pictures, only from still life. In that

way the references needed to be real objects. I had the creative freedom to choose any

object, any theme and any food to meet the parameters; however, sometimes when one

does not have restraints it is hard to decide the starting point. The only thing I knew for

sure was: I wanted to draw something related to Doctor Who. One of the most iconic

elements from the show is a time machine, a big blue police box, also known a the

TARDIS, which I used as mechanical part of the composition.

After that, I thought about drawing a whirlwind of skittles around the TARDIS. Colorful

candy would be good in contrast with the blue and I could check my edible component.

But what about the natural part? After a few days I encountered a pack of Kinect

sand and I thought: “Wait a minute! Sand is natural!”. With all three components

I started sketching all my objects to see how they looked together. Now it was time

to decide the composition. I chose to draw the box in two-point perspective instead

of a simple front view to make the composition more interesting and to create

movement. In the sketching process while I was eating a chocolate crunch bar,

I thought: “Wait a minute! This is exactly the same shape!” Now the only thing which

I needed to decide was the media. I chose pen and ink because of the bright colors.

After that moment the drawing started to take form. First I sketched, in watercolor

paper, the shape of the TARDIS and applied masking fluid. That way I was able to work

in the background, and in the blue box morphing into a dissolving chocolate bar. In the

end my whirlwind of skittles turned into a chocolate bar. I dropped the sand as well,

since the chocolate was simply dissolving, and the universe and the stars became my

natural element, giving birth to Time, Space, and Snacks.”


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