Cranford Review 2020

The “Cranford Review” © is a publication of Cranford Community College. Is an annual high standard produced magazine which provides an archive document highlighting various aspects of the life of the academy, its staff, students and community from each academic year. It is a wonderful read and a useful historical document which, with its termly sister publications and occasional special editions, also serves to describe the values of the academy and support the aspirations of the academy, its staff, students and wider community. A colorful layout with a wide range of topics comprising events, extracurricular activities, recognition awards, initiatives, trips and excursions among many others. Hard copies are provided to stakeholders including families, staff, partners, visitors, prospective parents/students, prospective employees and others with an interest or stake in the academy and its students. Headteacher & Director: Kevin Prunty / Editor-in-chief: Jessica Joyce / Graphic Design: Enzo Gianvittorio Danese (Enzo GD) / Printed by: Springfieldpapers.com

The “Cranford Review” © is a publication of Cranford Community College. Is an annual high standard produced magazine which provides an archive document highlighting various aspects of the life of the academy, its staff, students and community from each academic year.
It is a wonderful read and a useful historical document which, with its termly sister publications and occasional special editions, also serves to describe the values of the academy and support the aspirations of the academy, its staff, students and wider community. A colorful layout with a wide range of topics comprising events, extracurricular activities, recognition awards, initiatives, trips and excursions among many others. Hard copies are provided to stakeholders including families, staff, partners, visitors, prospective parents/students, prospective employees and others with an interest or stake in the academy and its students.
Headteacher & Director: Kevin Prunty / Editor-in-chief: Jessica Joyce / Graphic Design: Enzo Gianvittorio Danese (Enzo GD) / Printed by: Springfieldpapers.com


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year the Sports

Committee and

STEM committee joined forces

to develop the ‘NERDLETICS’

event (logo designed by Onkar

Riyat), which was held in the

upper gym on Friday 13th December 2019.

Nerdletics was designed as an inter-form

competition aimed at year 12 students to

test their STEM knowledge and sporting

skills in a tutor group battle. Each tutor

group nominated two of their brightest

and most sporting students to represent

them with prizes including £10 gift card

for Bronze Place, £15 gift card for Silver

Place and £20 gift card for Gold Place. The

students were challenged with buzzer

rounds, kick-up challenges, a cup-stacking

challenge, picture round, multiple choice

round and even a wheel barrow obstacle

race. The atmosphere was fun and exciting

as the competition heated up to reveal our

two winners Guy Boonyarakyotin and

Rhiannon Pateman 12W. The committees

came together with students in year 12 to

share a slice of cake and talk about their

passions…it’s not surprising that many

who took part in the event went on to join

committees themselves.

Sharan Saroya and Ria Kalia

(year 13 Deputy Head Girl Chair of

STEM Committee)

Football is a clear passion in our Sixth form and we were able to explore the talent at Cranford with this

event. It is one of the most popular and social pastimes yet as the pupils I discussed the event with stated ‘it’s

hard to organise a big event like this outside of school, it costs lots of money and everyone’s too busy with

schoolwork’. So what more perfect way than having a tournament after school, allowing the students to be

productive and full of endorphins when they study at home. This was aimed at reigniting the Sixth formers

passion for exercise, as it can be a difficult shift between GCSE to the more intense world of A Levels, where

sports may no longer be seen as a priority. We, as a Sports Committee are here to change this; the inter-form

was the first step towards our goal. The tournament was received enthusiastically and all the participants were

thankful and excited for more upcoming events.

We had several rounds and then it quickly reached the very intense finals between 12R and 12U. These are both

amazingly powerful teams, with great stamina and control throughout all of their games. In the end 12R won

the cup (well technically a box of Chocolates) with perfect finesse in the last few seconds of this heated match.

Overall, the Inter-form competition was an absolute success. Everyone was extremely supportive including

the lovely teachers that volunteered to supervise, the friends that came to watch and the participants. We have

planned several other events due to the positive feedback we received on this first Sixth form inter-form. We

aim to keep up the fun and emphasize the importance of sports at Cranford.

Aya Sadouki (Deputy Head Girl and Chair of Sports Committee)


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