Cranford Review 2020

The “Cranford Review” © is a publication of Cranford Community College. Is an annual high standard produced magazine which provides an archive document highlighting various aspects of the life of the academy, its staff, students and community from each academic year. It is a wonderful read and a useful historical document which, with its termly sister publications and occasional special editions, also serves to describe the values of the academy and support the aspirations of the academy, its staff, students and wider community. A colorful layout with a wide range of topics comprising events, extracurricular activities, recognition awards, initiatives, trips and excursions among many others. Hard copies are provided to stakeholders including families, staff, partners, visitors, prospective parents/students, prospective employees and others with an interest or stake in the academy and its students. Headteacher & Director: Kevin Prunty / Editor-in-chief: Jessica Joyce / Graphic Design: Enzo Gianvittorio Danese (Enzo GD) / Printed by: Springfieldpapers.com

The “Cranford Review” © is a publication of Cranford Community College. Is an annual high standard produced magazine which provides an archive document highlighting various aspects of the life of the academy, its staff, students and community from each academic year.
It is a wonderful read and a useful historical document which, with its termly sister publications and occasional special editions, also serves to describe the values of the academy and support the aspirations of the academy, its staff, students and wider community. A colorful layout with a wide range of topics comprising events, extracurricular activities, recognition awards, initiatives, trips and excursions among many others. Hard copies are provided to stakeholders including families, staff, partners, visitors, prospective parents/students, prospective employees and others with an interest or stake in the academy and its students.
Headteacher & Director: Kevin Prunty / Editor-in-chief: Jessica Joyce / Graphic Design: Enzo Gianvittorio Danese (Enzo GD) / Printed by: Springfieldpapers.com


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Spilled Inks


you have magic in your bones and gold in your soul.

Don’t let anyone treat you like you’re ordinary.

No matter what you do, no matter how high you climb –

people will be forever judging.

So, it’s time to let those fears go

and do what your heart pleases,

because you’d only be criticised if you didn’t anyway.

Love, laugh and live… your life is what you make it.

Zena Rehman (year 12)

Come Back

Her parents not in sight, Mary trudged through the desolate alleyway

in search of any form of human life that might save her. However, the

longer she walked the more it seemed like the suffering would never

end, as the street grew longer with every step she took. In desperation,

she ran. She ran until she could not run anymore. She felt as though

she was about to throw up, as all around her became too eerie for

comfort. Her quivering legs gave way and she dropped to the floor

sobbing. She wanted to get out somehow, in any way possible, so that

she could survive the mess she had put herself in. Reflecting on the

hours before, she wondered how she could possibly get herself out of

this nightmare she was trapped in. Looking into the distance, she saw

a light. It was dim at first, but growing closer until suddenly it became

much brighter, speeding up. Mary got up quickly to see a figure in the

light. Before she could scream, her eyes clouded over, and darkness

surrounded her once again.

Angel Aibuki (year 10)

The Gift

Love: a gift from God.

Five years ago, I admired you;

your eyes were a window to your soul.

Innocently, we’d watch the stars and plan our future,

dreaming about our naïve journey

as our love swiftly lingered through nature.

Little did we know our boundless adventure

consisted of hopeless dreams.

We wandered through the alleys of lust

as my heart melted in your arms at 2 a.m.,

just as you grabbed the knife of my last lover

and cut me in the same place as the last wound.

Goodbye my feelings;

love: the gift from God.

Adelaide Samgi (year 12)


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