Cranford Review 2020

The “Cranford Review” © is a publication of Cranford Community College. Is an annual high standard produced magazine which provides an archive document highlighting various aspects of the life of the academy, its staff, students and community from each academic year. It is a wonderful read and a useful historical document which, with its termly sister publications and occasional special editions, also serves to describe the values of the academy and support the aspirations of the academy, its staff, students and wider community. A colorful layout with a wide range of topics comprising events, extracurricular activities, recognition awards, initiatives, trips and excursions among many others. Hard copies are provided to stakeholders including families, staff, partners, visitors, prospective parents/students, prospective employees and others with an interest or stake in the academy and its students. Headteacher & Director: Kevin Prunty / Editor-in-chief: Jessica Joyce / Graphic Design: Enzo Gianvittorio Danese (Enzo GD) / Printed by: Springfieldpapers.com

The “Cranford Review” © is a publication of Cranford Community College. Is an annual high standard produced magazine which provides an archive document highlighting various aspects of the life of the academy, its staff, students and community from each academic year.
It is a wonderful read and a useful historical document which, with its termly sister publications and occasional special editions, also serves to describe the values of the academy and support the aspirations of the academy, its staff, students and wider community. A colorful layout with a wide range of topics comprising events, extracurricular activities, recognition awards, initiatives, trips and excursions among many others. Hard copies are provided to stakeholders including families, staff, partners, visitors, prospective parents/students, prospective employees and others with an interest or stake in the academy and its students.
Headteacher & Director: Kevin Prunty / Editor-in-chief: Jessica Joyce / Graphic Design: Enzo Gianvittorio Danese (Enzo GD) / Printed by: Springfieldpapers.com


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Year 12



Collections 2019

Farewell to Year 13


Community College

and Hounslow Community Foodbox

continued to work together to

develop their long standing

relationship in the past year with

another drive amongst students and

staff to raise donations. Foodbox

is a volunteer run registered

charity (1170666) which provides

emergency food, support and

advice to those who are in need

and live in the London Borough of

Hounslow. The run up to Christmas

saw staff and students alike raiding

their cupboards, managing to

gather together over 900 items

and requiring multiple vehicles to

transport the collection. Year 12

students undertook to organise and

manage the collection and assist

with the distribution. Yet again,

the students and staff of Cranford

showed their commitment to

the community and really came

together to demonstrate the values

we prize and have come to expect

from those working and learning at

the school.

Aaron Sohi (Head of year 12)

A Message from

Ms Patel


Friday 20th March 2020, schools across the

UK closed their doors to most pupils due to the

lockdown. For 18-years-olds schools were suddenly out.

Friday 22nd May 2020 would have been the final day for our

year 13 students who are bidding farewell after seven years

of learning at Cranford to embark on the next stage of life

in education, training or employment with an extraordinary

range of memories to remember.

Over the past two years Cranford students have studied hard

to gain their A Levels and further their aspirations towards

their chosen career. It has been a roller-coaster journey of

highs and lows and as I say my farewell from a distance it

is with tears of joy knowing these wonderful young people

will go on to make a great future for themselves. I had been

planning my farewell speech for a while, but no words could

describe the way I feel as I say good bye to the mature young

adults you have become. From the bottom of my heart I wish

you all the best for the future and please keep in touch. You

will always be part of the Cranford family.

Bharti Patel (Head of year 13)

Quarantine / Life on lockdown

with Class of COVID-19


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