The RBU Journal of Library & Information science is a scholarly communication for education, research and development of the Library & Information science field. It is published annually. The first volume was published in 1997. It received ISSN (0972-2750) in the 5th volume in the year 2001. From 17th Volume published in the year 2015, the journal becomes peer-reviewed by eminent experts across the country. This journal WAS enlisted by UGC approved List of Journal in 2017, With Serial No. 351 and Journal NO. 45237. Since 2019, this Journal Qualified as per analysis protocol as Group D Journal and listed under UGC CARE approved list of Journals.

The RBU Journal of Library & Information science is a scholarly communication for education, research and development of the Library & Information science field. It is published annually. The first volume was published in 1997. It received ISSN (0972-2750) in the 5th volume in the year 2001. From 17th Volume published in the year 2015, the journal becomes peer-reviewed by eminent experts across the country. This journal WAS enlisted by UGC approved List of Journal in 2017, With Serial No. 351 and Journal NO. 45237.
Since 2019, this Journal Qualified as per analysis protocol as Group D Journal and listed under UGC CARE approved list of Journals.


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India that have the most frequently published cancer

literature (Patra & Bhattacharya, 2005). Bradford's and

Lotka's Law has been used for this study. The

contributions of Indian authors to international journals are

very low. A list of authors who published ten or more

papers between 1967 and 2004 is drawn up and presented.

The number of such authors is 37 (1.35 percent), and the

number of authors with single publications is significant

(74.63 percent) (Eysenbach, 2002).

The findings of a study show that most TEL papers, led by

case studies and general analysis, fall into the category of

research papers. In the bibliography of the references, the

bulk of citations were published in the newspapers and are

accompanied by online sites and books. The study shows

that the total length of papers in some countries is 13,017

pages and that the scattering of contributors is minimal

(Jena et al., 2012). The results showed the largest number

of research papers published in 2013 was 60 (31.08 %),

and the lowest number of papers published in 2009 was 13

(6.73 %). 80 (41.45 %) were single authors, and 4 (2.07

%) were the least recorded authors. As far as the length of

the paper was concerned, most of the paper's length was

11-15 with 70 (36.26 %), and 07 (3.62 %) of the paper

length was 1-5 pages. The total references were found to

be 3243, and most of the references were found in 2013 at

1183 (50.49 %), and fewer references were found in 2008

at 121 (3.73 %) (Anwar & Zhiwei, 2020).

The study explores the over-time increase in Indian AIDS

research products based on PubMed and Web of Science

bibliographical data under the law of Lotka, the

distribution of authorship was investigated. The scattering

law of Bradford was used in the identification of main

newspapers. The study describes involved agencies and

regional distributions of the research results for Indian

Helps. The annual data review indicates that since 1992

literature has increased rapidly (Patra & Chand, 2007).

The study found that the LICs published 796 contributions,

comprising 1.08 percent of the total biomedical research

published by LICs and 0.27 percent of the world's health

communication research. Malawi had the highest number

of publications per GDP, with 32,811 published per billion

US$. Uganda had the largest contribution per population,

with 9,579 publications per million people. Ethiopia

received the highest number of contributions per primary

school enrolment, with a ratio of 2.461 publications per

percent of GDP. The role of health communication in

promoting HIV awareness and prevention has been the

most important (Mheidly & Fares, 2020).

The paper focuses on integrating SNSs into their daily

communication for academics by academic staff

(technological and medical applications). A multi-method

research study was conducted, and it was found that most

users preferred Facebook and ResearchGate for academic

research purposes. Collaborative and peer-to-peer learning

have common benefits from the social network, although

some concerns about privacy and cyber-bullying have

been articulated (Abdullatif et al., 2017). The degree of

infection in their regions and mutual perceptual prejudice

toward COVID19 are not associated positively. The

"COVID-19" and "SARS-CoV-2" official titles have not

de facto been the standard. Still, full official names are

exempted from being the proper contribution to the

resistance of negative perceptual prejudices and collective

behavioral inclinations in pani (Hua & Shaw, 2020).

Research questions

What are the publishing trends in infodemic from


What are the preferred journals of researchers in


What are the most productive countries,

organizations, and authors in infodemic?

What are the authorship and collaborative patterns

of research in infodemic?

What are the frequently used keywords in

infodemic research?




RBU Journal of library & Information Science, V. 23, 2021

The Scopus database was used to retrieve bibliographic

data using the "Infodemic" keywords available in the title,

abstract, and keyword fields. The period from 2004 to

2020 was selected to gather a wide range of data. The

search query used for retrieving data is as under: Search

query: (TITLE (Infodemic OR Infodemics OR

infodemiology)) OR (AUTHKEY (Infodemic OR

Infodemics OR infodemiology)) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY

(Infodemic OR Infodemics OR infodemiology)) OR

(Infodemic OR Infodemics OR infodemiology).

A total of 919 data were retrieved dated Jul 14, 2020, and

the duplication was zero. Exclusive type of document:

review, note, editorial material, letter, short survey,

meeting abstract, news item, correction. Document type

included, i.e. (Article OR Review OR Conference Paper

OR Book Chapter OR Book). A total of 919 documents

were found from the Scopus database. After the manual

screening of the records, 675 documents were selected for

the study, and 244 irrelevant documents were excluded.

The total citation accumulated by the article was

considered for the bibliometric analysis. Basic bibliometric

approaches have been used to evaluate annual growth

trends in production, journals, institutes, and authors. The

citation obtained in the year of publication of the papers

was issued.

The impact factor of the journals was taken from the

Journal Citation Report (JCR) of the 2019 edition

(compiled by Clarivate Analytics) and referred to as

IF2019. The Hirsch Index (h-Index) was collected from

the most productive writers and organizations (Hirsch,

2005). The ScientoPy and VOSviewer Viewer have drawn

co-citation networks between productive authors of highly

cited articles.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Bibliographic data for the study was obtained from the

Scopus database using the keyword "Infodemic" in the

article title, abstract, or keywords. Between 2004–2020,

18140 citations, 675 publications, 634 journals, 2218

authors affiliated with 1106 institutions, and 84 countries

were found. These documents received 18140 citations

published in 961 English and 12 other languages.

Publications and citations trend on Infodemic


Table1& Fig.1 show the articles' distribution in the study

by year, the total publication, and the total citations. In

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