Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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Hawthorne. I just remembered I was hoping to go grab my mail.”

A sigh of relief leaves me. “Sure, Frankie, that’s fine.”

We were just about to pass her neighborhood, so it’s only minutes later that

I’m pulling in front of her house. “Can I get it for you?” I ask.

Frankie opens her mouth. Closes it. Blinks rapidly. “Um. I was going to say

I’m a big girl who can get her own mail from her recently broken into home, but

now I’m feeling a little uneasy.”

Throwing open my door, I give her a smile. “I’ll be right back.”

When I return to the van and set her mail in her lap, Frankie quickly riffles

through it, stopping when she gets to one envelope. Her knuckles whiten as she

grips it.

I should mind my own business. Peeling away my gaze, I focus on pulling

out and heading home. Frankie stares at the envelope until we’re so close that

my place is in sight.

Abruptly, she rips open the seal and yanks free a small pile of tri-folded

papers. Pressing them open, her eyes dart frantically across the text, until a

squeal erupts in the van.

“I got in!” she yells.

She got into what? I glance at the envelope’s return address. UCLA School

of Law.

Angels sing “Hallelujah Chorus” in my head. Frankie’s going to law school.

Which means Frankie isn’t going to work for the Kings much longer.

Which means soon…Frankie will no longer be off-limits.

Parking the car, I stare ahead in a daze. A wave of belly-dropping fear hits

me. Frankie’s going to leave. The waiting game’s over. Finally, I get to make my

move. And suddenly, I realize I have no idea what that is.

“Congratulations,” I manage hoarsely.

Turning toward me, her eyes glisten with unshed tears. It’s the happiest I’ve

ever seen her. “Ren, I’m sorry I’m freaking out. I just didn’t think I’d get in.”

Finally, I find my voice, and shift in my seat to face her. “You didn’t think

you’d get in? Frankie, of course you were going to get in. Are you doing sports

law? You plan to be an agent?”

She smiles up at me, wiping her eyes. “Yeah.”

Be mine, I want to say. Except, as much as I’d love to have someone as smart

and tough negotiating my every contract, what I want from Frankie is so much

more. I want her smiles. Her body. Her humor. Her undivided attention and

sharp wit.

When I really let myself dream, I want her love.

I want Francesca Zeferino. She’s been the ultimate goal. And now I finally

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