Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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ever had, Zenzero. Hands down.”

My heart twists. Not out of an ego boost, but because I tell myself it has

much more to do with what Frankie feels when we’re together. In her heart, not

just in her body. That for her, as it is for me, it’s not just sex. It’s making love.

“I’m sorry if I haven’t told you,” she whispers. “It’s not for lack of me

thinking it. A lot. Frequently.”

I press a soft kiss to her lips.

Her eyes meet mine, and she stares at me curiously. “You know how you

told me to get into Shakespeare Club, you have to recite verses that mean

something to you?”


“If I were standing at the entrance for your meeting, determining whether or

not you got in, what would you say to me?”

The wind sends a swirl of dark hair across her face. I slip it safely behind her

ear, tracing my fingers down the shell of her ear, the smooth line of her neck.

“Francesca, are you trying to say you’d like to be wooed?”

She smiles up at me. “I was attempting to be coy. How’d I do?”

“Nailed it.” I pull her closer, feeling her heart beat hard against my chest.

“Let’s see. Ah, just the thing.”

Clearing my throat, I search her eyes. “‘Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt

that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love.’” I peer

down at her, giving her a soft kiss. “How’s that?”

Frankie’s smile deepens as she kisses me back. I hold her close in my arms

under the night sky’s canopy of fiery stars.

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