Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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served discussing this philosophy of yours rather than middle names and

numbers of kids over dinner. Because I’m not sure I agree with that.”

His eyes narrow as he tips his head. “I was here because I love you. Partners

who love each other are there for each other. You don’t agree with that?”

Stubbornness draws the arrow. Wounded pride aims. Anger fires, fatally

accurate. “I never said I loved you.”

Ren opens his mouth, then freezes. Slowly he straightens and stares down at

me. I can see his gears turning. It’s playing with semantics. We both know I’ve

meant it, even though I have yet to say those exact words.

His jaw tics. His eyes glisten as he stares at me. “What are you saying?”

It hurts like hell, looking at him. Knowing that I’m pushing away the best

person I’ve ever had in my life, but that’s the problem. I don’t belong with

someone as good as Ren. He’s not detached enough, not selfish enough. His

boundaries are too lax, his impulse for intimacy too quick.

The truth is there, like it’s always been. Sunshine and storms share the sky,

but never together. They brush, tangential, fleeting moments of breathtaking

beauty—the burning, life-giving sun piercing through a blackened sky—until it’s

over so quick, it makes you wonder if it ever happened at all.

“I’m saying you should leave, Ren.”

He rears back like I’ve struck him. Blinking, he glances away, then down to

the ground. “You don’t mean that, Frankie. You’re angry. And while I disagree

with you, you’re allowed to be angry with me. But I’m not leaving.”

I shut my eyes, press my back into the bed, and swallow my tears. “Yes, you



“Get out.”

It’s silent for a long moment. Nothing but ambient noises—doors open and

shut, the beep of a machine. I keep my eyes closed, hold my breath, and pray for

the torturous moment to end.

Suddenly his voice is near my ear. “I’ll give you time. But I’m not walking

away from this, not for good. You deserve better than that. And I do, too.”

I bite my tongue, tears slipping down my cheeks. Finally, I feel his heat, that

clean, spicy scent drift away. Long strides fade from the room before the door

clicks shut.

And then I fall apart.

Not a minute later, Lo reenters my room and looks straight from my tearstained

face to Ren’s empty chair. “Okay. What level of self-sabotage did we

just activate?”

I dab my eyes with one hand, and with the other, lift a sparkly painted

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