Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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Dumping his armful on the counter, he then begins chopping veggies. “I

promise, it’s a surprisingly good omelet. I’ll add some cheese for you. We won’t

tell Lars.”

I nab a freshly chopped piece of green pepper and crunch on it. Lars is the

team dietician and wellness coach. “He’d kill me if he knew how I was

influencing you. What do you think Lars eats? Besides wheatgrass smoothies. I

think he has one percent body fat.”

“No clue. But I’d bet the minivan he hasn’t had a burger in a decade.” Ren

tosses the onions and peppers into a pan that holds the tiniest drop of olive oil

known to man. “It would explain why he’s so grumpy all the time.”

“Now, let’s not judge the grumps of the world. We have our reasons.”

Ren glances up and sets down his knife. “You’re not grumpy, Frankie.

You’re just…”

I bite back a smile and steal a piece of cheddar. “I’m grumpy.”

“You’re serious.”

“You’re sweet, Zenzero. But I’m grumpy. It’s in everyone’s best interest.

Keeps the boys in line and afraid of my hexes.”

Ren grins to himself while he lets the omelet bubble in the pan and blends us

a berry smoothie. We eat quickly and in quiet, stealing spare glances while

Pazza weaves between us, scarfing down whatever we drop.

When I take my last bite, Ren asks, “So. What’s the verdict on the egg-white


I drop my fork and pat my belly. “Delicious. Saved by the cheddar.”

“Yeah.” He sweeps up my plate and stacks it onto his. “The cheese makes it

edible. Otherwise it really does taste like cardboard.”

Sliding off my barstool, I take the last sip of my smoothie and set down the

glass. “Thanks again for breakfast, Zenzero. Leave those dishes and I can do

them after my shower?” My body’s stiff. I need a hot shower before I try to do

something as dexterous as dishes this early. If I tried now, I’d end up dropping

and cracking everything I tried to hold.

He waves his hand. “Takes two seconds. And you’re my guest.”

“Well, then at least let me whip up something good for breakfast tomorrow. I

make a mean microwaved breakfast sandwich.”

With his laugh still echoing in the kitchen, I head for my guest room and hit

the shower. I turn the water hot, letting it soothe my joints which limbered up at

yoga but then slowly stiffened as my body cooled. Once I’m out of the shower, I

wrap myself in a towel, then throw my hair up in another towel to make a turban.

I do my routine—moisturizer, under-eye concealer, a little loose powder so I’m

not shiny. Gabby used to try to cover me in makeup, but any more than this and I

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