Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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“Pazza’s in for a rude awakening,” she says, lighting up a joint and exhaling

slowly, “when she’s back to living in my little bungalow, no exciting trips to

Aunt Lo’s or this swanky spot.”

I settle onto the blanket next to her, still holding our teas. “Why won’t she go

to Lorena’s anymore?”

Or spend time here?

Because she doesn’t plan to spend time here, idiot. Pretty clear, if she’s

saying that.

Frankie gently extracts her thermos from my grip. “Well, with law school,

I’ll have a better routine, no overnights or days away. No need to stay at Lo’s.”

She shrugs.

For a while, we sit in silence, staring at the ocean, watching the moon paint

the water silvery white. Pazza digs in the sand, rolls and snuffles and bounds

away, returning obediently when I whistle and call her back. After long, peaceful

minutes, the delicate weight of Frankie’s hand jars me, pulling my attention from

the shore.

She stares at her fingers sliding over my hand. Her brow furrows, and she

pulls her hand away. “Tell me about the real Ren.”

I peer over at her. “What do you mean?”

“The one hiding behind all that happy-go-lucky shit. The one we sort of

danced around discussing after yoga.”

I drop back onto the blanket and stare up at the stars. “Oh. That one. Well…”

As if she read my mind, Frankie holds out the joint in front of me. I stare at

it, then extract it carefully from her grip. Over half the team smokes weed, for

lots of reasons—pain relief, reducing anxiety, recreation. I’ve just been so

uptight since the moment I signed, I never even considered it. But the thought of

being a smidge more relaxed as I talk to Frankie, less stuck in my noisy

thoughts, sounds pretty appealing.

After taking a small hit, I exhale slowly and battle the desperate need to


Frankie grins down at me. “I’ve corrupted you.”

I laugh before it turns into a hacking cough. It doesn’t take long, under a

minute maybe, before a quiet heaviness settles in my limbs. My mind is

stunningly clear. “Wow. I regret not trying cannabis sooner.”

She belly laughs and ruffles my hair. “Welcome to the dark side, Zenzero.”

I meet her eyes and smile, searching her face. “You said you want the real

Ren. Is this quid pro quo? Does this mean I know the real Frankie?”

Her smile falters, even as her finger twines a lock of my hair around its tip, a

steady, soothing motion. “Yes, I think so. More than most people do, at least.”

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