Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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against hers and feel her nails dig into my forearm.

“Good.” Fabrizio comes back. “You have beautiful energy together.”

This guy’s senses must be dulled by all the patchouli he’s bathed in. There’s

nothing beautiful about this. It’s pure, sexual, vindictive frustration.

“Now we end with one more pose that brings you together,” he says.

After releasing each other’s arms, we follow his direction to spin away and

sit, back to back. My rotation involves a subtle adjustment in my sweatpants

after that camel posing nonsense.

“Spinal twist.” Fabrizio leans over us, drawing us upright until our backs are

flush against the other’s. I feel Frankie’s vertebrae, the poke of her shoulder

blades, and catch the faintest wisp of her orchid perfume mingled with

tantalizing sweat. “Now, both to your right. Your hand to the other’s leg, and

lean into it, lengthening your spine.”

Frankie’s hand sits high and firm across my thigh. Mine grips above her

knee, since my lumbar isn’t quite as flexible. It’s quiet but for our breathing.

“Ujjayi breath,” he says softly. “In through your nose, and out, like the

waves beyond us.”

Our deep breaths sync, the rise and fall of our backs in tandem.

“At last.” Fabi sighs happily. “Peace is restored.”

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