Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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Patting his arm, I give him a distracted smile. “I think she’ll be fine.”

“Hey.” Kris walks up to me. “You seen Frankie? It’s weird without her.”

Andy rolls his eyes. “Dude. He just said she’s got a stomachache. Listen,

would you?”

While those two devolve to bickering, I tune them out, strip quickly, and

grab a towel. When I walk by and hear their ongoing conversation, I can’t help

but think how right Kris is, how weird it is without her being here. How

unprepared everyone will be, when we’re without her for good.

As I step in the shower, water running over me, I feel the press of anxiety in

my chest. Fear that I won’t always have her, tenuous hope that no matter where

life takes her next, I’ll be by her side because we built something solid and longlasting

between us—

There’s something solid and long-lasting between you two, all right.

I glance down at my hard-on. There he is. Jutting straight out and miserably

unfulfilled, which is pretty much how it’s been most of the past few weeks. Just

thinking about Frankie makes me ache, always has. But recently, the torture’s

been all the greater, with the time we’ve been spending together, surrounding me

with her night air and orchid scent, feeling the silk of her hair brush my cheek

when she nestles into me, wrapping my arms around her in bed and tucking her

soft body against my hard one.

Emphasis on hard.

My cock twitches angrily at the memory of the way she arches into my touch

when she comes, how her full backside nestles against me when she’s ready to

fall asleep.

Groaning, I slap the tiles and turn the water ice cold, shivering while I

quickly wash myself. It works. I get my body under control but still my mind

wanders to Frankie. Biting her lip while she thinks. Stepping inside my arms,

letting me sway and kiss her. Tangled in bed, exploring, learning each other’s

bodies through clothes and stolen touches beneath them.

Snapping the towel off the hook and wrapping it around my waist, I wander

over to my locker. No need to change in the shower area now that I know

Frankie won’t be here.

Yes, my modesty on that front was entirely for her. Because I held out hope

that if I could avoid her seeing me and my dangly bits, I wouldn’t simply be one

of the guys who couldn’t be bothered to cover himself up when she was milling

around. Just like her body was and is still largely a mystery to me, I wanted mine

to be a mystery to her, too.

Come home hungry.

It has to mean for more than late dinner. My stomach tightens with nerves. I

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