Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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mechanicals” scenes.

“Moreaux.” Andy pokes François. “Swap parts with me.”

“Get fucked,” François tells him. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting

to play Thisbe?”

Andy pouts. “Besides Halloween, Rude Mechanical Day is the one day of

the year that I get to dress adventurously and not get crap for it.”

Rob starts down the line of food, piling up his plate. “Not true. You dress

adventurously regularly during the off-season, and none of us say a word. That

bikini you wear on the beach belongs on a much less hairy ass.”

“Hey.” Andy glares at him. “It’s a Speedo. And it’s European. The ladies

like it.”

François snorts. “Trust me, Andrew. I am European, and both I and these

ladies you speak of would prefer if you kept to your American swim trunks.”

“Okay, let’s eat,” I call to the stragglers outside and in the living room.

The guys descend on the table like hyenas on a carcass, quickly draining

platters of food. They trickle into my living room, which is a wide-open space

with a vaulted ceiling made cozy with built-in bookshelves, pale blue-green

walls like the ocean outside, and an expansive dove-gray L-shaped sofa

bracketed by mid-century end tables.

Throw in a couple of ivory oversized chairs and a huge wool rug in

coordinating colors to absorb sound, and it’s my favorite room in the house,

besides my bedroom. I had few feelings about the décor, so I let my brother

Oliver pick everything out for me. He has a good eye and ended up putting

together a space that I really like.

There’s plenty of room, and the guys are used to making themselves at home

here, so they settle in tight on the couch and chairs, even cross-legged on the

floor at the coffee table.

“Damn, you can cook, Bergman,” Rob mumbles around a bite of food.

I sit in the last open spot, which is next to him, and dig into my plate.

“Thanks. I’m glad you like it.”

“Like it?” He chuckles. “I’d eat this over anything they serve at those fancy

places Liz likes.” After a moment in which he demolishes a shrimp sandwich in

three bites, he leans in a bit and drops his voice. “Speaking of Liz. I was

wondering, would you mind giving me a cooking lesson or two? Once the

season’s done, I want to make the wife a nice meal, start pulling my weight a bit

more at home. I’m going to have my parents take the kids for a few days once

this is over. Just to show her how much I appreciate her putting up with the


I grin. “Sure. Anything you want to learn in particular?”

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