Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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His brother leans a hip against the counter. Crunching on the apple, he

speaks around his bite. “Ren seems to have lost his manners, but then again I’d

be a little addled too, if I had someone like you in my arms with only a towel

between us.”

Ren and I gulp simultaneously. I realize now that he’s bare-chested, a towel

slung low on his hips. Mine is knotted above my breasts, but all our movements

have loosened it considerably.

“I’m Viggo,” he says.

Ren doesn’t seem to care about an introduction. “What are you doing here?”

he asks sharply.

Viggo smiles and swallows his bite. “I brought the baked goods for your next

Club meeting.”

“Baked goods?” I ask.

“Yes, ma’am,” Viggo says, “I’m a self-taught pastry chef.”

“He’s also enrolled in carpentry school,” Ren adds, “learning everything

there is to know about bikes, and has taken up the fiddle. He has issues with


“Attention,” Viggo corrects him on a wide grin and a wink.

Ren sighs heavily, and his hand skates over my back as he stares at his

brother. I don’t even think he realizes he’s doing it, soothing me with his touch.

“Baking is one of his many hobbies that I made the mistake of supporting.” Ren

glares at him. “You know damn well it’s not tonight. I have a playoff game. Not

that any of the Bergmans can be bothered with hockey.”

Shrugging, Viggo crunches his apple. “Oops.”

Suddenly, I feel fabric shifting. A squeak sneaks out of me as the towel slips

past my breasts.

“Ren!” I yelp.

He spins, so his back is to Viggo again. I’m shielded with the towel pinned

between us. “I’ve got you. Your virtue’s preserved.”

I snort in laughter. “My virtue. I lost my virtue in tenth grade, Zenzero.” A

blush heats his cheeks. “But thank you. I didn’t want your brother seeing me


At the worst possible time, my hip gives out, and I wobble in his arms. Ren

catches me, then tugs me closer, but not before the towel slips lower and now—

Ren’s eyes widen. My bare breasts smash against his chest. And for the

second, but definitely most prominent, time I’m feeling… “Ren,” I whisper

hoarsely. “Is that your—”


“Poking my—”

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