Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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responsibilities and then down that terrible resentment road we’ll go. I’ll drag

him, he’ll go along happily…until he’s miserable, and I’m left with someone

who has to choose between me and a fulfilling life. I won’t. Fucking. Do it.

“You done?” Ma says.

My head snaps down as I peer at my phone. “Sorry. My mind wandered.”

“Tell me where it went.” She leans in and sets her cheek in one hand. “I’ve

got all day.”

Searching her eyes, I bite my lip in hesitation. I love my mother. And before

I was always a checklist of health issues, I felt like we were close. Has time

whittled away that barrier between us? Can I open up to her and unburden


Her eyes are like mine, and they brighten as she smiles. “I know I can be

overbearing,” she says. “But I called because I miss just talking. That’s all. I

trust you to take care of yourself, okay?”

Oh, the guilt.

“I won’t nag or poke you about anything health related,” she says. “I

promise. I’ll just listen. And we can talk about other stuff.”

With a glance over my shoulder, I see Ren wandering the kitchen,

presumably cooking breakfast. Regret tugs at my heart. I just pushed him away.

I’ve become a bit of an expert at that, haven’t I? As if I need further proof, I peer

at my mother, the woman who loves me imperfectly, but loves me, nonetheless.

Who after our mutual hurts and blunders, I’ve slowly, systematically withdrawn


Leaning close to her image on my phone, I clear my throat, searching Ma’s

eyes, the ones she gave me. “I miss you,” I tell her, unsteadily.

Her gaze softens behind her glasses. She sniffles. “I miss you, too, honey.

But you look like sunshine and seventy degrees almost year-round suits you. So

that makes missing you a little easier, knowing you’re happy where you are. You

are happy, right?”

I nod. “Yeah, I am.” Glancing over my shoulder, I see Ren, at the window,

eyes down. As if he senses me watching him, he glances up. Our eyes lock. I

offer him a tentative, apologetic smile. He gives me one back, then turns and

disappears deeper into the kitchen.

“I feel like I’m seeing something I shouldn’t,” Ma says wryly.

Breaking my distraction, I refocus on her. “Sorry. I snapped at him, and I

wanted him to know I was sorry. And…” I sigh. “I feel like I owe you a sorry,

too. I’ve been distant. Gabby nags me every time we talk to just have it all out

with you, but I never know where to begin, Ma.”

She nods. “I know, honey. I feel the same way. But maybe we can just talk

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