Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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film and noticing the liberties they’ve taken. But the truth is the team’s schedule

gets to me. And trekking all day through various degrees of pain and discomfort,

not to mention the mental work of keeping up with a demanding job and all the

socializing, wears me out.

Then there’s being tucked inside Ren’s arms. His legs, too. It’s so cozy, I

can’t help but feel sleepy, lounging on his massive sofa in the living room. Dove

gray. Soft linen. Plush yet firm. The solid wall of his chest heats my back, and

the heft of his arms around me is more soothing than my weighted blanket.

Soft lips press to my temple. “Still awake, sugar lump?”

I half-heartedly jab him with my elbow.

“That answers that,” he groans.

“You know what you can call me?” I glance up as he leans over me and we

brush noses.

He kisses the tip of mine. “What?”


He frowns. “I don’t like calling you any iteration of grumpy.” Smoothing my

hair back from my face, he stares down at me. “You’re not grumpy. You’re


“Grumpy. We’ve discussed this. Best not to dispute it. Better to ask why?”

He sighs. “Okay. Why?”

I slide my hand along his thigh and watch his jaw tic. “Because I want to

turn off the movie. And stop playing spoons.”

A slow grin warms his face. “You don’t like cuddling?”

“I mean, I do. You’re a top-notch cuddler.”

He dips his head in a bow. “Thank you.”

“I just want more.”

Ren unthreads his fingers from my hand and cradles my jaw in his grasp, his

thumb scraping across my lips. “We’ll get there, Frankie. I want more, too,” he

whispers, before his mouth sweeps softly over mine. He nudges my lips open,

teases the tip of his tongue against mine.

I wrap an arm around his neck and slide my fingers through his hair. It’s

silky yet thick, and he sighs into my mouth when I scrape my nails along his

scalp. Ren wraps an arm around my waist while one hand cups my face, his

thumb gentling the dimple in my cheek. His touch is restrained tenderness. But

his kiss is pure hunger.

Sparks skitter across my skin and heat pours through my veins as a sweet

ache settles between my thighs. I’ve made out a good bit in my day, and up until

now I would have said it was a pretty fine history of tongue tangles and handsy

gropes. But as our kiss deepens and my body warms under his touch, I’m

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