Always Only You by Chloe Liese (z-lib.org).epub

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Playlist: “Sirens,” Cher Lloyd


them, I stare at him, his tall frame filling the entranceway.


Super eloquent, Francesca, the little devil on my shoulder whispers.

I’m not trying to be eloquent, devil side. I’m trying not to rip off his clothes.

Ren smiles as a stray wave of hair flops across his forehead. Pushing it back

absently, he strolls into the kitchen. “I did a thorough search. And trust me, with

extensive experience in obscure and wildly unsafe hiding places, thanks to too

many long Washington winters cooped up with bored, hyper siblings, I can

assure you that your house is completely unoccupied, but for you and me.”

Pazza barks at him and cocks her head.

He grins down at her, scratching her ear when she trots his way and drops to

her haunches at his feet. “And Pazza, of course.”

I stare at him, as my heart bangs against my ribs, an inmate shaking its

prison bars.

Let me out. Please. Just this once.

Drawing in a jagged breath, I spin away and beeline it for the back door. As I

throw open the door, I whistle and snap my fingers in signal to Pazza. She bolts

past me, jumping immediately at some insect that dances across the grass.

My throat tightens as I hug my arms around my middle. I hear the quiet

rustle of Ren’s steps, smell that clean, spicy scent that warms his skin.

His hand gently grips my elbow. “Are you okay?”

I nod without meeting his eyes, feigning concentration on Pazza. “I’m fine. I

just needed some fresh air. Thank you for checking the house for me.”

He steps closer. “I was happy to do it, Frankie.”

My pulse thunders in my ears. It feels like my heart’s rattling my ribs loose,

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