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140 Antonio J. Gil<br />

element in the initial prestressed state is thus defined by a plane of uniform thickness<br />

t bounded bystraight lines which intersects at three points called nodes.<br />

A fixed local coordinate system Oξ pret<br />

1 ξ pret<br />

2 ξ pret<br />

3 , in addition to the global reference<br />

frame, is established for each element. The behaviour of each element is to<br />

be first described independently in terms of its local coordinates and is then to be<br />

transformed into global coordinates. For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that<br />

each element lies in the Oξ pret<br />

1 ξ pret<br />

2 plane of its local coordinate system. The shape<br />

functions are evaluated to obtain:<br />

a I = ξ pretJ<br />

1 ξ pretK<br />

2<br />

N I (ξ pret<br />

1 , ξ pret<br />

2 ) = 1<br />

− ξ pretK<br />

1 ξ pretJ<br />

2<br />

2Γ pret (a I + b I ξ pret<br />

1<br />

b I = ξ pretJ<br />

2<br />

− ξ pretK<br />

2<br />

+ cIξ pret<br />

2 )<br />

c I = ξ pretK<br />

1<br />

− ξ pretJ<br />

1<br />

Γ pret = 1<br />

2 (cKb J − c J b K ) I,J,K = 1, 2, 3<br />

(A.1)<br />

where Γ pret is the area of the initial prestressed triangle. Note that the quantities<br />

a I , b I and c I -named Zienkiewicz’s coefficients, see for instance [24]- are independent<br />

of the deformation of the membrane and are computed directly from the geometry<br />

of the initially prestressed shape. According to the Direct Core Congruential Formulation,<br />

the vectorized displacement gradient tensor is given in its transpose form<br />

as:<br />

g T = <br />

g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9<br />

g T =<br />

b I u I 1<br />

2Γ pret<br />

b I u I 2<br />

2Γ pret<br />

b I u I 3<br />

2Γ pret<br />

c I u I 1<br />

2Γ pret<br />

c I u I 2<br />

2Γ pret<br />

c I u I 3<br />

2Γ pret (A.2)<br />

0 0 0<br />

The vector of global internal forces is particularized for the triangular flat element<br />

by using the DCCF as:<br />

where:<br />

fint f = tΓ pret B T φint = t<br />

2<br />

b 1 I3 c 1 I3<br />

b 2 I3 c 2 I3<br />

b 3 I3 c 3 I3<br />

<br />

φ int<br />

⎛<br />

⎞<br />

s1(1+g1) + s3g4<br />

⎜ s1g2 + s3(1+g5) ⎟<br />

⎜<br />

⎟<br />

⎜ s1g3 + s3g6 ⎟<br />

φint = sihi + siHig = ⎜<br />

⎟<br />

⎜ s2g4 + s3(1+g1) ⎟<br />

⎝<br />

⎠<br />

s2(1+g5)+s3g2<br />

s2g6 + s3g3<br />

(A.3)<br />

(A.4)<br />

The total tangent stiffness matrix may be computed by means of the congruential<br />

transformation and thus the submatrix due to the contribution of the nodes I and<br />

J is depicted as:<br />

where:<br />

K IJ =<br />

t<br />

4Γ pret (bI b J S11 + c I c J S22 + b I c J S12 + c I b J S21<br />

Sij = S geo<br />

ij<br />

(A.5)<br />

+ Smat<br />

ij i, j =1, 2 (A.6)

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