A local woman missing- Mary Kubica

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remember, Leo, how this happened?” I ask again. This time he

shakes his head.

Leo asks for his bath toys. I get them for him. But this time when

he lines his whale and fish up on the edge of the tub, they don’t

gracefully swan dive into the water as they usually do. Instead, they

kick one another into the tub. It’s aggressive. Mean. The much

bigger whale uses its big blue fin to firmly kick the tiny, unsuspecting

red fish into the water. The fish falls, becomes submerged. But only

for a moment. It floats back to the surface.

Leo grabs the fish. He sets it back on the edge of the tub. It

happens all over again.

“Leo,” I say. My voice is more firm. “Did someone do this to you?” I

ask, pointing for a third time to the bruise.

Leo doesn’t answer with words. Instead, he lifts a finger to his lips,

says, “Shh.”

Suddenly my heart is in my throat. Did someone do this to him and

tell him not to tell?

After I get him out of the bath, I call Charlotte. Charlotte should

have told Josh at pickup if something happened to Leo. I ask Josh.

She didn’t. He goes to see the bruise for himself.

Charlotte answers on the third ring.

“Hi, Meredith,” she says. Her voice is singsong. Charlotte is older

than me. She was a teacher once. She taught at an alternative

school in town. It’s what they call an “in lieu of expulsion” program.

Kids that would otherwise be expelled from their current schools get

transferred there. Burnout is high. Charlotte didn’t last long before

she started her own in-home day care.

I tell Charlotte why I’m calling. I say what I saw in the bath. I ask,

“Did Leo fall at your house? Did he get hurt? Do you know?”

“Let me think,” she says. Charlotte watches a number of kids.

They range in age from eighteen months to twelve years. The older

kids, like Delilah, are in school most of the day. But at three o’clock,

Charlotte and the others walk to pick them up. Then her number of

charges doubles. It’s organized chaos whenever I’m there.

“No,” Charlotte says after a short hiatus. “I don’t remember

anything happening to Leo. I didn’t see anything happen. Leo didn’t

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