A local woman missing- Mary Kubica

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“Maybe she’s misplaced it,” I suggest. There’s a mirror in our

entryway with brass pegs where we keep our keys. It wouldn’t be

hard to find. “I’ll go check on her.”

I head in the same direction Bea went. The front door, when I get

to it, is open a couple of inches as if she tried to slam the door

closed behind herself, but it didn’t latch. I gingerly push the door

open. I step inside the house and close the door behind me, feeling

like a fish in a fishbowl with the reporters watching from just outside.

I call out for Bea. There’s no response.

I try again. “Bea!”

Only silence follows.

My eyes go to the brass pegs that outfit the bevel-edged mirror in

the entryway. Only my keys are there.

I slip out of my shoes, dashing up the stairs in my bare feet. I try

our bedroom first. It’s empty, though one of Bea’s dresser drawers

has been pulled clear out and overturned on the floor. She was

looking for something. I check the bathroom, the spare bedroom. All


Running back down the wooden steps, I slip, my feet sliding out

from beneath me. I land on my backside, feeling the pain of it radiate

through my tailbone. I curse out loud at Bea, blind to what she’s

doing, but knowing it’s something reckless and rash, something that

leaves me in a bind.

I’m mad. I’m scared and confused.

I press myself up from the steps, rubbing my backside. I limp to

the kitchen, where our half-made dinner sits abandoned. Through

the glass door I see Josh, Leo and the police officers in our

backyard, still taking stock of Bea’s music studio.

My cell phone sits on the kitchen counter. I pick it up and try calling

Bea. She doesn’t answer.

Only seconds after I’ve ended the call does she text.

Forgive me. I didn’t mean for any of it to happen.

My heart races wildly inside me.

Forgive you for what? I type immediately back, punching each

letter into the keypad.

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