A local woman missing- Mary Kubica

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member of our group in the parking lot of a motel two towns over.

The police have been notified.

Bea sees the text, too. She comes running in to find me.

Unshowered and undercaffeinated, Bea and I decide to drive Josh to

the motel. He’s been in touch with the detective, but refuses to stay

home and wait for news, though that’s exactly what she told him to

do. He’s understandably worked up and in no state to drive himself.

The three of us drop Leo off with the babysitter on the way; while

Josh walks him to the front door, I call my office and ask them to

reschedule my morning patients. Josh, Meredith and Delilah need

me now.

The drive feels long, though it can’t be more than twenty minutes.

All the way, we don’t speak, each lost in our own thoughts, thinking

the very worst.

The motel is located off a two-lane highway in an unincorporated

part of town. There isn’t much around it other than a handful of

industrial buildings and open land, much of it for sale and

underwater. When we arrive at the motel, there is an obvious police

presence in the parking lot. We don’t see Meredith’s car at first, but

we’re drawn there by the circle of officers that surround it.

Josh throws his door open while the car is still moving. He leaps

from the car and runs toward Meredith’s. The doors, the trunk of it,

are open and police are looking inside.

I can’t find Meredith or Delilah. “Do you see them?” I ask Bea,

glancing around the parking lot.

“I don’t,” says Bea. She looks, too, but all we see are a handful of

bystanders and police.

I pull into an empty spot. The parking lot is not large. I park the car

and Bea and I make our way toward Josh. We don’t get far before

we’re stopped by police, and forced to wait a good thirty feet back,

away from what the officer calls a crime scene. His words make my

throat go suddenly dry and I’m certain they’ve found something

inside Meredith’s car. A body, more blood. Bea grabs my hand as he

says it and together we stand, rooted in place, waiting anxiously for

Josh to return with news.

The motel itself is somewhat skeevy. It’s dilapidated and small, a

single-story building with doors that enter from the outside. In the

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