A local woman missing- Mary Kubica

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I hear the click of the flashlight turning on. Through my closed

eyelids, I barely see the blaze of light as it goes roving around the

inside of the shed, bouncing off walls. I ain’t ever been so scared in

my whole entire life.

The garbage can is tall and wide, taller and wider than me. I’m

crouched so low my body hurts. I got myself rolled into a ball, just

like pill bugs. I ain’t breathing much, just enough as I have to do to

keep from turning blue. But they’re half breaths that I take, never

letting enough air in or out, so that my chest aches and burns. I pee

myself. My soft pants fill with it, turning soggy.

The light from the flashlight moves on and gets dimmer, but it

doesn’t go completely away. He’s investigating some other part of

the shed. The moments tick by at a snail’s pace. With my eyes

closed up tight, I can’t see nothing, but I imagine the man

investigating every crevice, every nook and cranny, in that whole

entire shed, looking for me.

I start wondering, worrying that I got a foot stuck out, that the

sleeve of my shirt or a clump of dirty hair is somewhere where he

can see. ’Cause even though I’m hiding behind that garbage can,

what if all of me ain’t tucked neatly back?

The shed door squeals open even wider.

One loud footstep tromps into the shed with me. Then another.

Then another.

He’s coming inside the shed. Next thing I know, he’s all the way

inside the shed with me. I hear that man’s heavy breathing. I smell

his rank breath.

He’s saying words, telling me he knows I’m there.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” he singsongs, and if it

wasn’t for that, I’d think he did see me. But I’m no idiot, whatever that

lady thinks. I’m no twat. If he knew where I was, he’d have me by

now. But a hunch is all the man’s got.

He swears blind that he ain’t gonna hurt me none. “Just come on

out, little girl, and I’ll take you home.”

I don’t believe him. Or maybe I do. Except home is not my home.

He don’t intend to take me back to Daddy. No, this man intends to

take me back to his home and lock me back in that dungeon of his,

after he teaches me a lesson about stabbing people with spoons.

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