A local woman missing- Mary Kubica

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thought someone had tried to break in; she installed a new handle

on the door herself, something more secure and foolproof. She

boarded up the one window with plywood, though the only person

getting up there without a ladder was Spiderman. It seemed

excessive and a bit paranoid, if I’m being honest. But I told myself at

the time that, if it made Bea feel more safe, so be it. I didn’t argue. It

was shortly after all that happened with Shelby Tebow, Meredith and

Delilah. The whole neighborhood was on edge. It was

understandable that Bea might want to take extra security measures

to feel safe.

The new lock, she said, only came with the one key. She told me

she’d have another made for me. Now that I think about it, she never


One of the officers asks, “Do we have your permission to knock

the door down?”

Without hesitation I say, “Yes. Of course.”

I need to know what Bea has been keeping from me.

The officer goes back to his vehicle. Minutes later, he comes back

with a battering ram. It doesn’t take long. The door busts violently

open, ricocheting off the wall. From where we stand, I see Bea’s

equipment. Nothing looks amiss.

I release my pent-up breath.

The officers step heedfully inside the studio. One has a hand on

the weapon in his holster. Josh makes an attempt to follow.

“Sir,” one of the officers says firmly. “You need to stay put.”

Josh does as he’s told. He, Leo and I stand together, waiting. It’s

all so like that day they found Meredith, when the female detective

told Josh, there in the parking lot of that seedy motel, that Meredith

was dead of an apparent suicide, which was later confirmed by

autopsy. He fell to pieces on the concrete lot. The rest of the day

was a blur for all of us. I don’t remember much.

From where we stand, I just barely see the officers probing around

Bea’s space. It doesn’t seem like they’re finding anything of interest

to them.

Suddenly the officers stand at attention. One of them points

upward, to where the attic is. The three move to the stairs. They start

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