A local woman missing- Mary Kubica

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that I shared with Delilah. My mom made me toss my half in the

trash. She was all, like, ‘It doesn’t mean anything without the other

half.’ I cried over it. So she went and bought me a new best-friends

necklace and told me I could give it to anyone I wanted. I might have

been six but you don’t just, like, forget your best friend.”

“Who’d you give it to?”

“Lily Morris. Do you remember her? She doesn’t even live here

anymore. She moved to, like, North Carolina when we were twelve.”

I shake my head. I don’t remember her.

“Doesn’t matter. Lily was never a good friend, anyway. In fourth

grade she started a rumor that I, like, peed my pants when I


I want to ask her if it’s true. If it is, I’d find it endearing.

“Anyway, my mom let me keep one picture of Delilah, though.”

“That’s cool,” I say, though it was a dick move for Mrs. Hanaka to

make her get rid of everything that reminded her of you. Dad, on the

other hand, kept everything. Your rainbow glitter shoes are still by

the door and have been for eleven years. You’ve probably noticed.

Piper shows me the picture. You’re a little kid in it. It’s a close-up of

yours and Piper’s faces smashed side by side together. You’re

smiling. Half your teeth are missing. You’re all red hair and freckles,

happy like the kid I saw dancing around on Dad’s home videos, not

scared like the person you now are.

“It’s just that, I was, like, digging around on the internet, trying to

figure out if cleft chins are one of those things that just goes away,

you know? And they’re not.”

No matter what kids like Adam Beltner say, I’m no idiot. I know

what Piper means by this. What I don’t know is how to feel about it.

Piper cut out the picture of you in the newspaper. The Hanakas

might be the only people in the world who still get the actual,

physical newspaper. She sets both pictures side by side, the one

some asshole photographer shot yesterday, and the one of you

when you were six. They’re mostly similar—red hair, green eyes—

except for that cleft chin. I never noticed before that you had a cleft

chin. It’s not something that’s super obvious. It’s on the small side as

cleft chins go, the kind of thing you might not notice unless someone

else pointed it out for you. But now that I know it’s there, it sticks out

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