Adventure Magazine
Issue 237: Survival Issue
Issue 237: Survival Issue
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"My project<br />
is to scale<br />
all 14 of the<br />
world’s highest<br />
peaks without<br />
the use of<br />
supplemental<br />
oxygen.”<br />
Where are you now based?<br />
Hazelbrook NSW<br />
What is the pull of climbing?<br />
It is my passion.<br />
What do you get, what do you give up with climbing?<br />
A life fulfilled. Nothing.<br />
Let’s talk about this statement.<br />
“My project is to scale all 14 of the world’s highest peaks<br />
without the use of supplemental oxygen.” to the TRUE<br />
summits, in the world's fastest time.<br />
Why? When? How?<br />
My goal is to complete the summits of all 14 peaks over the next<br />
two and half years. Whilst on the journey to complete my project,<br />
I aim to inspire people of all ages and walks of life that they are<br />
capable of more. It is never too late to dream big and take steps<br />
towards our highest version of ourselves. We don’t know what our<br />
true potential is until we break out of our comfort zone.<br />
Have you given yourself a time frame?<br />
By the end of May 2023<br />
What’s the biggest challenge?<br />
The funding of the project as well as the documentary.<br />
What’s the biggest fear?<br />
I have trained my mindset to be fearless. I don't think into the<br />
future with fear, and I try to stay in the now.<br />
Explain the difference to the dumb, the difference between<br />
with and without oxygen.<br />
The easiest way I can explain is to talk about the difference when<br />
I started to use it on Annapurna last year at 7800m. I went from<br />
being frozen to my core, taking two steps and stopping to rest<br />
and speaking one word at a time. To; talking in full sentences, so<br />
warm I had to take off my mitts and a layer from under my down<br />
suit. I swapped my mitts for gloves and was able to walk at a<br />
constant pace without stopping. Basically, three times the speed<br />
as beforehand. I could easily make decisions and was way more<br />
coherent than without it. I felt like I was back at Base Camp in<br />
terms of the altitude.<br />