Lot's Wife Edition 1 2017

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“Don’t worry about that Charlie, Dreyfus has got his best lawyer<br />

on it. There are more immediate concerns. We’ve got about eight<br />

seats that are so close you could measure the margin on Danby’s<br />

dick, and without any more money we won’t just lose them to the<br />

Libs but also the op shop combing north-side seats to the Greens.”<br />

“Give up on em’ Kim, the bookies are saying Batman will be<br />

worse than Bennelong. Fuck that gaff-prone fool Feeney anyway,<br />

he deserves to lose to an academic. Cut him loose, redirect the<br />

volunteers, save yourselves some clams.”<br />

“This is bigger than Batman, Charlie!”<br />

“Time for the hard-ask. Hold the line Kim, lemme anaesthetise<br />

before you close the last stitch.” I ventured back over to the minibar<br />

to refill my drink.<br />

“I’m back Kim, go for it.”<br />

“Alright, I’ve already hit the Krauts, the Lebs, the St. Kevin’s<br />

crowd and even the Church but it’s not enough. They’re telling me<br />

a Porcine Magnate known to you has boarded himself up in Potts<br />

Point with a Polish dancing troupe, word is they’ve got enough<br />

cocaine on call to keep the Bolivian monopoly going for another<br />

few years, at least. This is the break we need Charlie, his secretary<br />

isn’t taking calls and you have his private cell number. The cash you<br />

secured for us in ‘04 kept the Victorian chapter alive, he seemed<br />

very-”<br />

“He’s turned his sails to the hard-right since then Kim, the<br />

prospects of a $50 billion tax cut bodes well in his circles. I doubt<br />

he’s willing to part with so much dirty cash in this political climate.<br />

We don’t know who’s going to win this fucking election. Bill’s run<br />

and Bus across Australia only succeeded in revealing his Keynsian<br />

leanings and its done well to alienate the Reinhart ilk. More budget<br />

deficits means less income tax cuts! He won’t give up the money<br />

Kim- no matter the ludicrous coke-to-blood ratio.”<br />

“Charlie, the Reds may be relegated to the campuses but the<br />

Greens are thriving in suburbs. If the ALP vote crashes through<br />

in this election we’ll lose all credibility and may never recover in<br />

Victoria. What happened in the UK this morning is a sign of things<br />

to come; the centrists are losing their shine. We’re entering an era<br />

of extreme promises and hard consequences. These new Millennials<br />

coming through are fucking the status quo, the game is changing<br />

and the ALP is still scrambling to figure out what the damned game<br />

is anymore. If you don’t get this injection for us the Greens will be<br />

the only seller on the market. Once they get hooked into the inner-<br />

North, Labor will never be welcomed back, believe me, friend.”<br />

“Every call I get from you Kim, only works to hammer in this<br />

perception that Australian politics is headed for crisis. The Dam is<br />

quickly reaching breaking point; it can only sustain so many gallons<br />

of blasted tripe before it bursts. I’ll give it some serious thought and<br />

get back to you this afternoon. Does Shorten known about this?”<br />

“This entire call is on his instruction.”<br />

“I’ll be in contact Kim.”<br />

I put down the phone with rancorous haste. His reply had deeply<br />

unnerved me. The hurried lighting of a cigarette on my balcony<br />

calmed my angst, but in that mix of smoke and humidity emerged<br />

rapid introspection. Bill Shorten had instructed the most senior<br />

left-wing Senator in Victoria to milk his contacts for an emergency<br />

slush-fund to save Labor’s vote from a fatal and awe-inspiring selfinduced<br />

wound. The immediate parallel to that morning’s Brexit<br />

vote astounded me. Cameron had used Western democracy’s most<br />

powerful structure-shifting mechanism (referendum) as a quick fix<br />

to quell party room dissent, only to fall on his sword spectacularly.<br />

Then, in Australia, the Labor party had taken advantage of a natural<br />

friend of the left, the environment, to not only wastefully produce<br />

tonnes of useless paper fucking pamphlets but to also squeeze dry<br />

the last drop of cash in Baby’s College Fund.<br />

A phone call such as this, then in that silence when the receiver<br />

touched its base revealed something that I had not known nor<br />

could escape. I am as pained by, but persist in the political apparat<br />

as I do my sunburn. A life-time membership to the Royal Australian<br />

Political Theatre grants the commentariat unparalleled privilege<br />

over other private citizens, a privilege that dooms me to watch<br />

empires collapse and see old friends turn dirty. Such a burden it is<br />

to trade secrets in this era of Murdochracy. But alas, it puts me by<br />

pools and sends me to the tropics.<br />

That’s all for now, Menthol Charlie.<br />

I’ve divided my advance towards the next issue<br />

with the diligence of an accomplished jurist. Half<br />

for Mint Juleps and the other for Ibogaine. No<br />

other pharmaceutical interaction could mimic<br />

the extractive capacity of a dreamcatcher so<br />

effectively. After all, the boorish editor of the<br />

Telegraph had the cajones to run a piece on Bill<br />

Shorten and a certain Gentleman’s club on King<br />

Street. This calls for serious reflection, especially<br />

because that motherfucking Labourist hasn’t<br />

squared our debt from that evening…<br />

article & photography by menthol charlie<br />

creative/comedy<br />


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