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<strong>The</strong> experience of the economy since<br />

independence has been reviewed extensively,<br />

and explanatory thesis forwarded<br />

to explain the effi cacies of economic<br />

planning and consequent economic development<br />

that has ensconced. 24<br />

In a study of economic performance<br />

carried out in the backdrop of development<br />

initiatives carried out in <strong>India</strong>,<br />

Datta-Chaudhuri points out that the ‘important<br />

question for developing societies<br />

is how to develop a mutually supportive<br />

structure of market and non-market institutions,<br />

which is well-suited to promote<br />

economic development. This makes normative<br />

development economics a diffi cult<br />

art.’ 25 nomic planning is to be carried out suggests<br />

such a revisit.<br />

Endnotes and Additional Thinking<br />

1 “World Bank Data on GNI” available<br />

at http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/<br />

NY.GNP.PCAP.CD (accessed 25<br />

That is also a reason as to why debates<br />

of the type referred to about economic<br />

planning bring in their relevance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> issues that were raised about economic<br />

planning retain their validity even<br />

as some time has elapsed from then when<br />

these were fi rst raised. In the years that<br />

made up the closing decades of the century,<br />

there has been evaluation of the<br />

pattern that economies with centralized<br />

planning planned their economic development<br />

and following which methodologies<br />

in use have been changed. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

have happened for both large economies<br />

and as also smaller ones. Such changes<br />

have occurred as a consequence of debates<br />

on the processes in use and economic<br />

planning has been one of these that<br />

have garnered attention. Revisiting early<br />

debates on economic planning in the<br />

context of the State and the market does<br />

provide a learning platform. <strong>The</strong> point of<br />

note is that issues raised in these early<br />

debates retain their validity. It is for this<br />

reason that revisiting these earlier debates<br />

retains relevance. An informed<br />

choice about options available on this<br />

date amongst the manner in which eco-<br />

th August<br />

2010). <strong>The</strong> South Korean State<br />

(Republic of South Korea) had adopted<br />

state planning for the economy beginning<br />

the early sixties (1962). <strong>The</strong> GNI<br />

per capita was $16,900 in 2005. It grew<br />

to $21,530 in 2008. <strong>The</strong> comparative<br />

data for <strong>India</strong> was $740 and $1,040 respectively<br />

for these two years.<br />

2 Hayek, F. A. (September 1945), “<strong>The</strong><br />

Use of Knowledge in Society”, <strong>The</strong><br />

American <strong>Review</strong>, Vol. XXXV, No. 4,<br />

pp. 520-530.<br />

3 Ibid., p. 520.<br />

4 Ibid., p. 520.<br />

5 Ibid., p. 520.<br />

6 Ibid., pp. 520-521.<br />

7 Ibid., p. 524.<br />

8 Ibid., p. 525.<br />

9 Ibid., pp. 526-527.<br />

10 Ibid., p. 526.<br />

11 Hayek, F. A. (1944), ‘<strong>The</strong> Road to Serfdom’,<br />

University of Chicago Press,<br />

Chicago, p.70.<br />

12 Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises<br />

(1881-1973) was an infl uential economist<br />

of the Austrian School.<br />

13 Mises, L. E., ‘Economic Calculation In<br />

the Socialist Commonwealth’, available<br />

at http://mises.org/pdf/econcalc.pdf (accessed<br />

23rd XXVII: Activities, 1940-1946, pp. 385,<br />

387, 388 referred to in Friedman Milton.<br />

(Spring 1987), John Maynard<br />

Keynes, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond,<br />

Economic Quarterly, Volume<br />

83/2, p. 20.<br />

16 Ibid.<br />

17 Friedman, Milton. (Spring 1987), Op<br />

cit., p. 20.<br />

18 Friedman, Milton. (Spring 1987), Op<br />

cit., p. 20.<br />

19 Durbin, E. M. F. (December 1945),<br />

“Professor Hayek on Economic Planning<br />

and Political Liberty”, <strong>The</strong> Economic<br />

Journal, Vol. 55, No. 220, p. 370.<br />

Evan Durbin who taught at the London<br />

School of Economics during 1930-1945<br />

was a contemporary of Hayek who was<br />

at the School during 1931 and till 1950.<br />

Durbin was the Labour MP (United<br />

Kingdom) for Edmonton Constituency<br />

during 1945-1948.<br />

20 Durbin E. M. F. (1935), “<strong>The</strong> Importance<br />

of Planning’, New Trends in Socialism,<br />

pp. 149-150, referred to in<br />

Durbin, E. M. F. (December 1945), Op<br />

cit., p. 360.<br />

21 Durbin, E. M. F. (1945), Op cit, p.<br />

360.<br />

22 Durbin, E. M. F. (1945), Op cit, p.<br />

362.<br />

23 Durbin, E. M. F. (1945), Op cit, pp.<br />

366-367.<br />

24 Bardhan, Pranab. (1984), ‘<strong>The</strong> Political<br />

<strong>Economy</strong> of Development in <strong>India</strong>’,<br />

Basil Blackwell, Oxford.<br />

August 2010), p.17.<br />

25 Datta-Chaudhuri, Mrinal. (1990),<br />

14 Boettke, Peter, J. (1995), ”Hayek’s <strong>The</strong> “Market Failure and Government Fail-<br />

Road To Serfdom Revisited: Governure”, Journal of Economic Perspectives,<br />

ment failure in the argument against Vol. 4, No. 3, p. 38.<br />

socialism”, Eastern Economic Journal,<br />

Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 15.<br />

(<strong>The</strong> views expressed in the write-up are per-<br />

15 Donald Moggridge, ed., John Maynard sonal and do not reflect the offi cial policy or<br />

Keynes, <strong>The</strong> Collected Writings, Vol. position of the organization.)<br />



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