Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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MEETI i'IG S<br />


245th 10 October 7978: <strong>The</strong> first meeting of the 1978/79 season was addressed<br />

@heGeologica1SuiveyofCanada.Histopicwas.'0peration<br />

Morning Light: <strong>The</strong> Search for Cosnns 954", wh'ich dea'lt with the search for<br />

fragments of the nuc'lear poutered Soviet satellite which disinteqrated on reentry<br />

to the earth's atrosphere scattering radioact'ive debris oier a large<br />

area of the<strong>Arctic</strong>. Dr. Grasty is well qualified to discuss this top'ic since<br />

he was the first Cartadian scient'ist f]own to Ednnnton for the search operation.<br />

Apart from his active participation in the search, he was also responsible for<br />

ten years with the Geo'logical Survey of Canada in airborne measurement of radjoactivi<br />

ty.<br />

246th 27 0ctober 7978: Mr. Rjchard S. Finnje addressed a Special Meetinq on the<br />

last tr,rro voyages of Captain Joseph-El zear Bernier, jn 1924 and 7925, when I'lr.<br />

Finnie served as a rad'io operator on board Bernier's ship the C.G.S. Arctjc.<br />

Captajn Bernier was born into a sea-faring family in the Province of Quebec,<br />

and spent much of his life at sea, from the age of 12 on. Included jn thjs<br />

were twelve voyages of exploratjon to the Canadian <strong>Arctic</strong> Archipelago for<br />

the Canadian Government. Captain Bernier was in'large measure responsible for<br />

asserting Canad'ian Sovereignty over the <strong>Arctic</strong> islands, anC in awakening'bhe<br />

Canadian Government and publ ic to their importance.<br />

Mr. Richard S. Finnie, was born in Dalson City, and has himself trave'lled<br />

extensively in the Canadian <strong>Arctic</strong>. In fact he has r^orked al I over the urorld<br />

as an explorer, and is an outstanding documentary film rnaker, v,rriter and lecturer.<br />

Included in the illustrat'ion to hjs lectureherea number of photographs<br />

which have never yei been publ ished.<br />

?47th 14 lioqember 1978: Dr. Paul H. Serson spoke on "<strong>The</strong> i{orth Magnetic Pol e ".<br />

sityofToronto,Dr.Sersonhasdevoteda1arcepart<br />

of his career to various aspects of geomagnetism, from the development of new<br />

instruments to p'ioneering new methods of measurement on'land and in the air.<br />

248th 22 ltbvember 1978: Dr. O]av Gjaerevol'l spoke to a special joint r,neeting<br />

theNordicSocietyon''<strong>The</strong>GeorroliticaiSituationin<br />

Spitzbergen". Dr. Gjaerevol1, a botanist of internatjonal note, is pres'ident<br />

of ihe Univensity of Trondheim, i\,lormy, and a de'legate of his country to the<br />

United I'lations. As vrel I as being a distinguished scient'ist and un jversity administrator,<br />

Dr. Gjaerevoll, has been very active in politics, and has held<br />

several n'inisterial positions in the I'lorwegian Government, most recently that<br />

of Minister of the Environment.<br />

Dr. Gjaerevoll js no stranger to Canada and 0ttava, nor to the <strong>Arctic</strong> <strong>Circle</strong><br />

to which he was introduced by the late Dr. Erling Porsjld. He spoke to the<br />

Arct'ic <strong>Circle</strong> and the i'lordic Society on another occasion, about ten years ago.<br />

249th 12 December 1978: Dr. Frank T. Davies spoke on "<strong>The</strong> Canadian Second<br />

Folar Year Expedition to iludson Bay 1932-33". Wh'ile i dentical in tjtle to a<br />

well received presentation to the 0ntario Science Council this autumn,<br />


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