Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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<strong>The</strong> original intention l4z Lhe Car-radians in-yolrzed irad br-n to establish a<br />

pirrely Canadian body, closej-y associated with Lhe governrncnt but independent<br />

of it. <strong>The</strong> ter-ms of tie original Act of Parli-arent- hint at ttris.<br />

Ilo'arever, as a snal-l qrotrp of scienb.ists associated in the United States<br />

with the Air Force <strong>Arctic</strong> lnformation Centre had a similar idea, the tv,ro<br />

grolps coalesced in founding what was an international organization<br />

including also Newformdland-Iabrador and Greenland.<br />

When the War was ended, Ottaura becate a centre for intense activitlz concerning<br />

the IIcrEh. <strong>The</strong> ArsL.-ic Institute had been based at lrlcGill University,<br />

but official activiLies were independent of it and focused on Ottawa. For<br />

exarple the Defence Research Board for::rded tn L947 was veqy' active in tLre<br />

Norbh as was the Geograplr-ical Bu-reau founded tie sane year. Northern<br />

a&tinistration was rapidJ-y given no,r inptus with the appointnerrt of a new<br />

Ccrnnissioner (Dr" Ii.L" Keenleyside vfio was one of the founders of the<br />

<strong>Arctic</strong> Insti-tute), md a variety of depa.rtnrents and agencies of governnent<br />

turned their attention to the Nort-h"<br />

Oe the initiative of a fsrv veterans of northern field research, a&n-inistration<br />

and trading, d snall- group gathered in Ottawa one evening in<br />

Decsnber L947 Lo onsider forming a society whrich might hold local<br />

neetings and keq o'northerners" in touch with one another. I41z qnress is<br />

thrat tLre call to the for:nding session cane from JacJ

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