Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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66<br />

THE ARCIIC CIRCUIAR' - VOL. )O(II No' 2 - Jr:ne 1978<br />

Ttre ajm is to minimize the i:rpact on the Yr:kon river due to increasing<br />

river travel wtrile the planning team frorn YIG and Parks Canada conpletes<br />

a concept plan for the long-term protection and use of the riverrs<br />

heritage reso.:rces. Pr:JcIic consultation will take place during tie<br />

vise and rewieuz the on-going program. A reviev,r will also be r:ndertaken<br />

of the existing protective legislation and regulations. Cost of the<br />

program will be shared initially on a 50-50 basis bettleen Parks Canada<br />

and ttre Yukon Governnent, urrder the tAgreerent for Recreation and<br />

Conserrrationr. Ttre Parks Carnda ARC program provides for the preservation<br />

of a heritage resource, onned by a province, but of national<br />

historical significance, 'those presenration requires cao[Erative planning<br />

and crcst sharing.<br />

***:t)!s********<br />


llne Minister of Indian Affairs and Norttrern Developrent, J. Hugh<br />

FauJJcner, has anrcr:ned a change in nane of tlre Departnentrs<br />

Indian ard Eskino Affajrs Progrram. Ttre Program will ncr^r officially<br />

be refen:ed to as the Indian ard Inuit Program.<br />

<strong>The</strong> word "fnt..it" means "the people". In recent years, Inuit<br />

leaders have gererally expressed a preference for tJlis term ratlrer<br />

than "Eskimo".<br />

In Canada today there are mcre than 22rOO Inuit residing in<br />

settlsrents in ttre likrrthrrest Territories, Labrador ard l{ort}rern<br />

Quebec. the Inrrit strare a ccrmpn cultr:re and one basic fanguaf<br />

called Inuktitut. <strong>The</strong>re are several regional dialects. ftE program,<br />

ho,ve'rer, provides djrect senrice only to scne 4r@O Inuit in<br />

Nortlern O:ebec. Ihe balarce are the responsiJriliQz of tlre<br />

Coverrnent of the Nortlnrest Territories and tlre Northern Affairs<br />

Program.<br />

frcrn: Indian Ne!,ls, v.19, rro.l

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