Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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of the Agreement-jn-Prjnciple provides a fjnn basis for final sett'lement of<br />

the Inuvjalu'it clajm", Mr. Faulkner said. "Particularly significant is the<br />

fact that this agreement, both in the manner in whjch it uas reached and jn<br />

the provisions it contains for meeting the expressed needs and aspirations of<br />

the Inuvia'luit, ful f il I s the spirit and<br />

settling comprehensive native claims", 1<br />

in-Princip1e is the product of long and<br />

any Inuvialuit land rights that now exi<br />

fits and conpensation to the Inuvialujt<br />

to preserve Inuvialuit lifestyles, cultural identity and values within a<br />

th?nging northern society, and to enable the Inuv'ialuit to be meaningful part-<br />

icipants on an equal basis in the northern econony as a whole. tt contains<br />

proyisions to_protect and pneserve..the wjldl ife, b'io'logical product'ivity and<br />

envi ronmen t of the we s tern Arc t'i c. "<br />

"Equally significant is the fact that the Territorial Government will have<br />

continuou input into negotiations on the final agreement, and wi'l'l have a<br />

to play in..the irnplementat'ion of the final settlement itse1f", Mr.<br />

Pl9<br />

Faulkner said. "l am confident that v€ can build on the base we have established<br />

with the signing of the Agreernent-in-Principle to fashion a final<br />

agreement wftich will be a lasting tribute to the dedjcatjon of the Inuvjaluit<br />

to secure a place for themselves jn northern sociepy", the Minister concluded.<br />

Sunmary of the<br />

prepared by the<br />

Ba ckgro un d<br />

In Ma.y 7977, C0PE (the Committee for Original People's Entitlement) representing<br />

2,500 Inuvia'luit in the Western <strong>Arctic</strong> Reqion, presented their iand<br />

rights c1ain, entitled Inuvial u'it i"lunangat. Fol lowing i series of clarif jcq!jqnmeet.ingsg-overnme@edaniniiiatreSponSetothe<br />

COPE proposal . rxcept for the slbject of r,rildl ife and huntin! rights, where<br />

there I4as some common_ground, the rema'inder of the governmenl's response r^,as<br />

not satisfactory to COPE. To avoid a breakdown in the djscussions, i inJorking<br />

Group, comprising representatives of C0PE and the Government, was formed to<br />

seeK agreement on the wilfljfe sectjon of the claim. 0l December 7, I97l a<br />

Joint Position on wil_dl'ife uas publ icly announced. <strong>The</strong> Working Group next<br />

addressed the major elements of land anc<br />

1978 the Work'ing Group completed the 10t<br />

14 sections which forms the basis of thi<br />

Government of Canada and the Inuvialuit<br />

Goals of the Settlement<br />

<strong>The</strong> Agreement in_Principle states that the four basic Aoals of the Inuvialuit<br />

land rights settlement are: to preserve the culture anJ values of the Inuvjaluit<br />

within.a changing northern society; to enable them to be equ-1 and meaningful<br />

part'icipants in both the northern and national economy and'society; io prdvide<br />

tlfl.with spegific rights, benefits and compensation in exchange i6r any'land<br />

rights now existing; and to protect and preserve the <strong>Arctic</strong> wjidlife, envjronm9n.t<br />

and biolog jcal productivity. <strong>The</strong> Finai Agreement wil I not pre5udice the<br />

rights of the Inuvialuit as Canadian cjtizens and they shall .ontinue to be<br />

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