Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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V*c1fram, @rry. Walk ilto wirter: a oonplete snowshoeing and winter<br />

9?qping guide. John Wilqg and Sons Canad.a, Limited, tgtl.<br />

L27P. $e. 95<br />

I&rs1ey, F.A. Ttre great Antarcbic rescue: shackleton's boat journqg.<br />

Tjrres Books , 1977. 22Op. L5.50<br />

Canadian Goven:rnent h:blications<br />

Ccnnr-issioner on rndian clajrrs: a report - statenrcnts and sr:lcmissions.<br />

Srpply and Senzices Canada , 1977. 116p. $3.50<br />

Sdtuurman, Hr:bert J.C. Canada's eastern neigtibor:r: a viear on ctrange<br />

in Greenland. Srpply and Senrices Canada, tgll. 103p. $5.75<br />

*********:f*<br />


ln L944 Veind Tanner publislred his definitive r,rcrk Outlires of<br />

the Geography, Life ard Cr:stcnrs of Nssfourdliud-I-ib,rE'or F<br />

Eastern Part of ttre Labrador Peninsula as rrcIure 8 of Acta<br />

n England kry thGmbnidge<br />

UniversiQz Press and in the United States h,y MaqrLillan). Ttris<br />

basic oorpretrensirre r,rork was the result of t}te raork of tlre Finlasd-<br />

Labnador Dpedition, L937 ard the Tanrer Labrador D

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