Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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0gjlvie, lvl.A. l,Jinter bjrds. London, Michael Joseph, 7976. 224p. t 5.75<br />

Ihe Polar Record 18:115, p404-105; by fiigel Bonner<br />

I'tickel s, I'i'ick Canoe Canada. Toronto, Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd., 1976<br />

278 p. $ e.95<br />

<strong>The</strong> Beaver 307:4, p63; by Alex M. llal'l<br />

0vervoid, Joanne, ed. A portrayal of our l4etjs heritage. Yellowknife,<br />

produced by the l4etis Association of the Northwest Territories, 7976.<br />

L42n. $ 8.00<br />

<strong>The</strong> Beaver outfit 308:1, p62-63; by Wally Firth<br />

*Pea rse, Peter H., ed. <strong>The</strong> ivlackenzie pipef ine: arctic gas and Canad'ian<br />

ener9y po'licy. Toronto, McClell and and Stewart Ltd.<br />

llqlllllof d 24:2, p58; by Ken Shindler<br />

Preston, Richard J. Cree narrative: expressing the persona'l meanings of<br />

events. Ottawa, National Museums of Canada, 1970. 308p. $3.50<br />

(National l,luseum of l'lan. Mercury Series. Canadian ethnology Service Paper<br />

no. 30)<br />

Arc t'i c 3C : 3, p192 -193; by Adria n Tanner<br />

Radfoth, Ii.W. anC C"0. Brawner, eds. Muskeg and the northern environment<br />

in Canada. Toronto and Buffalo,University of Toronto Press, 7977.<br />

399 p. $ 35.00<br />

<strong>Arctic</strong> 30:4, p250; by J.C.F. Tedrow<br />

Rasky, Frank <strong>The</strong> po'lar voyagers. Scarborouoh, 0nt. , l'lcGraw-t.l.ill<br />

Ryerson Ltd. , 1976. 320p. $ 17.95<br />

<strong>The</strong> I'lu$-[x no. 20, p95-96; by lJalter 0. Kupsch<br />

<strong>The</strong> Po]ar Record 18:116, p515-515; by Roland Huntford<br />

Richardson, Boyce Strangers devour the lanC. Toronto, l'racMil lan Co. of<br />

Canada , 1975. 355p.<br />

iiorth/Nord 24:5, p65; by 1.A.C.0. Hunt<br />

Rink, Henrik Danish Greenland:'its people and products; u/ith a nevJ<br />

introduction by-Hg1ge Larsen. I'bntreal, McGill-Queen's University<br />

Press, 1975. 468 p. $ ZS.OO<br />

<strong>Arctic</strong> 30:1, p65-66; by Trevor L'loyd<br />

R'ink, Henrik Tales and traditions of the Eskinn; with a new'introduction<br />

by Larsen. Montrea1 , McGill-Queen's Univers'ity press, Ig7S.<br />

472p. b 25.00<br />

<strong>Arctic</strong> 30:1, p65-66; by Trevor Lloyd<br />

Ross, I^j. Gjl lies l,,lhaling and Eskimos: Hudson Bay 1860-1915. 0ttawa,<br />

I'iational Museurns of Canada. 1975. 164p. $ tf .ZS (National l4useum<br />

of i"lan. Publications 'in Ethnology, no. 10)<br />

Arctjc and Alpine Research 9:3, p317-318; by Robert trlcGhee<br />

<strong>The</strong> Canadjan Geographical Journal 93:3, p72; by Randall Reeves<br />


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