Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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thqz reslnnded patiently and in large nr-uqbers, to give one of tte<br />

highest returns to a self-ccnpleted generar lrcpulaticn suryey<br />

ttrat I have ever krrcwn. "<br />

Tte sunrey was first proposed bv Don llutton, chief of parks and<br />

Ilistoric Sites Divisj-on of the territorial govermrent and IIenrT Turik,<br />

Ch-ief of the Visitors Ss:zices Division of Parks Canada prairie Region,<br />

and was jointly funded ard carzied out by the two govenurent agencies.<br />

TLre sunzey covered approximately five per cent of ihe adult pSutation<br />

aged 16 years and over.<br />

Dr. Burton found that Yukon residents are generally much nrrre inrrcIved<br />

in outdoor pr:rsuits than is tlre canadian lnpulation as a whol_e, and<br />

that' wtrile participation rates are much higher for yukoners than for<br />

Canadians generally, thqf are stiIl guite low in themselves. Or:1y three<br />

ticipation rate of 50 per cent or more. Itrey<br />

icrricing; fishing/ice fishing and natr:re study/<br />

"It is aptr>arent", wrote Dr. Burton, ',ttlat<br />

Yukoners, taking advantage of ttreir vast and r:nspoiled natural- enviromrent,<br />

participate in outdoor recreation rm:ch rncre often than<br />

nrst other Canadians. Ttrey not only have a natural envirorrnent conducive<br />

to outdoor recreationt they make abr:ndant use of it. "<br />

Ttre first voh-une of the report is a detailed analysis of responses given<br />

in ttre questionnaire, vtrile the secrcnd voltrne deals witLr a regional<br />

anarysj-s of responses frcm 12 areas in the terzitory. <strong>The</strong> relnrb is<br />

desigrned to provide basic infornration for the planning and poisl-bte<br />

future develotrment of territorial outdoor recreation iacifilies and<br />

Kluane Nationar Park. copies of the report can be vier^ied at pubric<br />

liJrraries tlrroughout the teritory.<br />


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