Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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74<br />

TI{E ARCT-IC CTRfi,E \loLtt"IE )oil/I, }re. 3 SPTEMBffi. ]-978<br />

that surrowC the inl-et. Wilberfcrrce Fa1ls, one of the three nost<br />

i:'pressive, is ttre highest f,all-s in Lhre r^,orld north of the <strong>Arctic</strong><br />

Circl.e "<br />

Banls fsLard<br />

Eanks trsiand, ',uhich l-ies about 5m kn northeast. of Tninrik, is<br />

characterized by rroJ-J-ing hil-ls, meanderinE rivers and spectactrlar<br />

sea cliffs. <strong>The</strong> protrnsed Natiornl Park Reserrre stands at tlre<br />

nortttern end of ifu island and incl-rdes a lnrtion of ttre Ttrcnsen<br />

River Basin, flanked on either side by rocky tplands, the Mr:skox<br />

Ri-ver, and lbrry ard casteJ- Bays. A southefii @nponent that is also<br />

being ornsidered feati.res }ielson Head, a striking serj-es of sea cliffs<br />

nrarked w'ith distinsLj-ve pr:::plish bands of rock.<br />

<strong>The</strong> gentJ-e lo.dands of tlre Tlronrsen River basin are tJrought. to be<br />

the rmst productive mwk-ox ranqe in tlre .,.prl_d. Of the 4,Om to<br />

5,OOO mr:sk-oxen that inhabit tl:; island, the najorier are onentrated<br />

in this area, ratrere they are able to fi:rd g@d supplies of food and<br />

the isol-ation they need to raise their yormg" Arccic fox are arso<br />

nulerous and a distinct breed of carilcou is for:nc on the isrard.<br />

<strong>The</strong> watery maze of strearns and lakes arong the lov"er st-ret&es of<br />

tl:e river basin are also Jlportant nnuiting and stagsnE areas for<br />

brant and snsp geese, and a designated l4.igratory Bird sarrctttary<br />

provides breeding areas for a variety of birds of prey.<br />

laktoyeElgE Peninsr:Ia<br />

fhe landscape arourd Tr:ktoyaktirk is one of the rnost i:m:sgar in<br />

Canada. Vast ex[Enses of lake-strernrn tr:ndra treate a gently<br />

undulating terrain ttrat r^,or:Id seem quite nprptorpr.rs br:t for the<br />

presencre of hi:rrdreds of cove-sLraped hi11s called pingos. pirqos<br />

are a udgue northern pheronenon and, altJrou$ they are for-n:d<br />

occasionally in Alaska, freenland and ncrthern Rr:ssia, the bst<br />

exanples are for:rrd in ttre canadian North, particularry in the<br />

T\:ktoyaktr:k Penilsula "<br />

A pinEo is a crcne-shaped hill- ttrat consists of a inassive crcre of<br />

ice ocvered by a thin layer of soil. Ttey r:.sr:alry form in lake<br />

beds in areas of perrnaficst utren t].e pnessr:re of encroach_ing ice<br />

forces liater r:pmrds to form a pingo core. <strong>The</strong>y are often ccnpletery<br />

surm:nded ty !@teT or poorly drained tundra, arrd their dra slopes<br />

prcvide ideal denning sites for <strong>Arctic</strong> fo:

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