Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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64<br />

TTm ARCTIC CfRCLIIAR - \DL. )O(II No. 2 - Ju:re 1978<br />

"<strong>The</strong> environnentar qr:estion of building and operating a railway<br />

through the soutlwestern region of the territory nn:st also be<br />

serior:sly qcnsideredr" Pearson rernarked. He also pointed out that<br />

between B.C. and Yukon, sorre 13 rail studies have been ca:ried ouc<br />

regarding rail transportation in the nor*r. '\{e ha're ttre facts and<br />

figr:res \^rtrid shor t]:at such a project is jr:.st not ecorromically<br />

viable at the present tire". <strong>The</strong> ccnmissioner added that an agree<br />

nent was reached between t].e pa.rticilnting goverm€nts in ttre rair<br />

conference to have an inforrnal r,,nrkilg arrangsrEnt for tlre sharing<br />

of ilforrnation on tlle subject of northern rail transportation.<br />

Pearson said t.l-e oonference was r:.sefur in ttre sense that it senzed<br />

to r*affirm ttre lnsitions of the governnents inrrclrzed.<br />


Talks Iast week between Cqrmissioner Art Pearson, toritorial treasurer<br />

Pat Sherlock and officials with tLre Alaska Departrnent of Revenue, were<br />

deerlEd "exhrenely beneficial" by Pearson. ltre ccnmissioner returned<br />

todqf fncm a rotnd of talks in Alaska with ttre State Governor Jay Hannnnd<br />

and ottrer Alaska go',rcrnment officials. pearson and sherlock net<br />

Thursday and Friday in Juneau with officials of Alaska's Depar:trnent of<br />

Revenue to discr:ss, anong ottrer ttrings, Alaskars systern of reqging<br />

property tax against gas and oil transportation systers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> inportance of the talks was enphasized by pearson, who pointed<br />

out that under the Carnda-U.S. agnreerent regarding tlre Al-aska Highhray<br />

gas pipeline, Yukon's level of taxation is based on tJre Al-aska ta

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