Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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the Yulcon Tenitorial Goverrrent has been placed in a difficult position<br />

by the refusal of ttre Yukon Native Brotherhood to ratifir the contract<br />

for transfer of the health care systen frcrn federal to lerritorial<br />

a&ninistration. F1o Wtryrard, Hcecutive Ccnrnittee lEnber for llealtlr and<br />

Ilunan Resources said today: "TLre Yukon C;overrment will not be inrzotved<br />

in th-is confrontation between ttre lt[B and the federal gover:rrent. We<br />

are waiting for ttre federal llealth and Welfare officials to sort out<br />

threir differences wittr tle Yukon Indian people and cr:rne to scnre kind<br />

of-satisfactoly arrangerent. when th-is occurs, yrc is prepared to<br />

deliver health prograrns to all the people of tlre yukon. we are verlz<br />

disatr4ninted ttrat t.}re native people have aoparently changed ttreir<br />

minds, after atrproving the contract for ttr,eir special heiltlr care<br />

last October. A11 parties, ttre federal DeparErent of IIeaIth, the yIrIB<br />

ard ttE 1IIG had agrreed that there were nEmy advantages to the native<br />

people of the Yukon in tlre $830,000 anrrual crcntract. ft wqrld have<br />

provided them wit.| the first r,mritten agreenent for responsiJcility on<br />

tte part of the Canadian Covernnent for ttreir healttr senrices, ana in<br />

addition to tlre special allor,vances for such itens as eye glasses,<br />

dental lvrcrk and transportation, there were several neul prograns included<br />

in ttre funding.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se were the establislrrent of a nernr llealth Services Revier^r Board,<br />

funded by the federal groverr:nrent, thnough which the YNB r,rcuId nrcn:itor<br />

and supenrise the healttr senrj-ces delivered to the native pecple in<br />

tlte Yukon; ttre selection, trailing and erplcryznrerrt of 15 onnunity<br />

health representatives in native csnrunities, and a special training<br />

progrdn in health fields for native people. I{rs. Vttqrard said that<br />

folloving tlre approval in principle of the hea-l-ttr transfer last October<br />

hy the Y-l{B, the Yukon Governnent had put in a rot of solid r,rork on the<br />

arrangellEnts for taking over the buildings, equitrrrent and personnel norr.r<br />

artninistered by the federal Departnent of llealttr in the yukon, and<br />

specific offers of erplolment had been made to scne 265 federal health<br />

senrice erplqrzees. Dearlline for acceptance of these offers had been<br />

set at February I7 for the transfer date of Ivlrrch 31.<br />

rast weel

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