Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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Departrrent of Information Resources lt[inister Flo Whyard said Coutts<br />

"has taken great pa-ins to keep the collection in Yr:kon. He could<br />

harre allcnped a university or a for:rrdation to buy the r,,rorks and take<br />

thqn outside of the tenritory. He allorcd us tine to investigate neans<br />

of acquisition. " Inittyard also said ttrat Coutts crculd havre accepted a<br />

Iarger sr-rn of nrcnqf from outside interests for his ollection becar:.se<br />

it was evah:ated at a muctr higher anor:nt. "He had turned dcnrn offers<br />

becar:se he wanted to see the col-lection rsnain in Yukon," said Johnson.<br />

"B1z allcntring us the lcmer pr:rdr,ase prioe, he has made a valuable<br />

ontribrtion to the pecple of Yr:kon and t.l:e archives. " Ttota1 price<br />

to be pa.id for the crcllection is $125,000 wittr half of the arnor:nt<br />

mrLilq fisn ttre Devonian For:ndation. several private br:sinesses<br />

operating in the Ncrth are also offering financial assistance.<br />

Concern Dq>ressed Over Conflict Of Interest With Federal Coverrrnent -<br />

October 2, L978<br />

A jurisdictional dj-spute is developilg orrer r=creation, wild riyers and<br />

wilderness areas, says Executive Conmittee l,tenrber responsible for F€nguable<br />

Resources Dr. Jack Hi-bberd. Ttre l"linister nade the connent follcnying his<br />

return fron a recent Conference of Federal-Pnovincial Parks Irlinisters in<br />

Victoria, at wtrich Yukon Gorrernnent was present as a fr:Ily accredi@d<br />

delegation. Dr. Hi-bberd was i-nvited at ttre Conference to o

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