Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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contdnplated with them. Anyone mo had a negistered trapline in the area of<br />

Mackenzie Delta and their descendants who continue to trap in the Western<br />

<strong>Arctic</strong> Region, or anyone operating reg'istered trapl ines, vrou'ld not be<br />

affected.<br />

In add'ition to acquiring certain hunting rights the Inuvialuit would participate<br />

jn the overall manaEement of w'ildl ife 'in the llestern <strong>Arctic</strong> P.egion<br />

thtough advisory bodies such as a Game Councll and Local Hunters'and<br />

Trappers' Conunittees as wel I as the Land Use Planning Conu,nission.<br />

Financial Compensat'ion and Economic luleasures<br />

<strong>The</strong> financial compensatlon descrjbed jn this Aqreement has a present value<br />

of $ 45 mill jon,A serjes of payments w'i11 be made yeariy from'1981 to 1994.<br />

tb tax will be levied on these payments, although all other earnings of the<br />

corporatjons rculd be taxable. Interest-free loans on the security of these<br />

payments are available to the Inuvialuit from the date of thjs Aqreement<br />

unti'l December, 1981.<br />

<strong>The</strong> proposed settlement indluced certajn socjo-economic measures to helo<br />

the Inuvialuit achieve stable econornic self-re'l iance and build a sol id<br />

economic base. <strong>The</strong> commitments consist of general measures to give priority<br />

to In-uvialuit products, resources, employment, services, and support<br />

for<br />

posgibl e Inu'ivaluit minera'l activity; and specific orogran supprt<br />

for individual projects to be described in ilre Final Agreement. t\b financial<br />

outlays in excess of projected government budgeted levels rculd be required.<br />

Soqial Develognent<br />

To help meet the pnoblems of social transjtion faced by the Inuvialuit<br />

there would be a Socjal Development Prcgrarn, utjlizing the Inuvjaluit perspective,<br />

language and customs, and uou'ld deal vr jth social concerns sucn<br />

as housing, health and welfare. It r^ould also advise government on programs<br />

concernjng such matters as alcoho'l , dental care, nutrjt'ion; and jnitiale and<br />

develop special education programs. Each community rarould be involved in<br />

deve'loping the-program and the Inuvialuit would manage the various projects.<br />

<strong>The</strong> present value of the funding proposed to carry out this program is 3.5 mil-<br />

I ion.<br />

Pol'itical Institutions<br />

Although the Inuvialuit do not seek specjal po'litical status, the Government<br />

recognizes the need for greater decentralization of dec'ision-making and<br />

services to the people of the region. <strong>The</strong> Inuvia'luit agree that the question<br />

of po1 itical institutjons should be considered under the Constitutional<br />

Develognent process established by the Federal Government in Auqust, 1971.<br />

Commi n'ioue<br />

Indian and I'lorthern Affairs<br />


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