Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle

Yol xxYr - The Arctic Circle


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"Ferrlr Ccrmand". Indeed, 'War Belcrr Zelr.o", is the story of the<br />

Army Air Forcesr battle for ttre vital Far }lcrtJ: East. A.E. Porsild<br />

in performing his duties played an important role as internedia:12,<br />

vlfiich dsnanded judgrnent, tact, and 1=rception, elements so necessa4r<br />

in easing ttre jangle of tensions tlrat were an everyday occurrene<br />

in tlrose troricled tines. Out of ttr-is period of senrice to Canada<br />

carre a publication entitled Greenland at ttre Coo=.=rcr€, pr,rblished<br />

in "<strong>Arctic</strong>", Journal of the , giving his<br />

obsenations on Greenland and its future prospects.<br />

A.E. Porsild and lris colleagues at thre National- Herbarir-un won<br />

pulclic attention in ttre early days of World War If wLren incendiary<br />

balloons @an arriving on the West Coast. Canadian and Arnerican<br />

iltelligence wanted to krsr,.i where ttrey cane from. Attaclred to one<br />

of the balloons was a fragnent of rzegetable rnatter vitrich wtren sent<br />

to tlre Herbarir-rn was identified as of a plant fmn a restricted<br />

habitat---it on-ly grew ir a certain portion of ttre Jatrxnese Islands.<br />

Itris was a rernarkable piece of detection: vrhen, later, he was<br />

honoured with tlre award of MBE for his \^,ork as a sleutJr, he fett<br />

the distinction to be sorewtnt jarrirg to his serse of nodesty.<br />

On his return to Canada frcm Lris mission to Greenland he was asked<br />

by Dr. Ctrarles Camsell to W to Russia to attend the 22Oth Jubilee<br />

lbeting of tl.e Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Officially, te<br />

was to go as a delegate of ttre Canadian Ceograplrical Society, of<br />

wttidl he was a fellcnr. Dr. Camsell w:ished that he keep tlre interests<br />

of tlre Departnent of Mines and Resources in rnind and to nrake r:seful<br />

ontacts with Russian Scientific institutions. Follovsing the<br />

neetings held at Mosccr^r and Leningrad, he was then to visit Finland<br />

and Sueden to studlr nethods of forest nwragenent and a&ninistration<br />

of natural resources.<br />

<strong>The</strong> accor-u-rt of this "Journey Ttrror,rgh SiJoeria to luloscow" is a si>ctypage<br />

docr-mentation by A.E. Porsild, now in the keeping of the<br />

Natioral l{rseun of Carnda. Arpther version, r,rith ilh:strative<br />

coloured photographs, has been published in the Canadian Geographical<br />

Journal.<br />

Thris is a splendid pieoe of nanrative writing describing tlre long<br />

flight fr:om O'Etawa to lbscsrv. His fellcxrr delegates frcrn Canada<br />

r^rere P:ofessor H.A. Innis, University of 1loronto, and Dr. Hans Selye<br />

frcrn McGiIl Uniraersity.<br />

the flight frcrn Fairbarjks was condr.rcted by tlre Soviet Air Force,<br />

the jourtey interspersed with freqrent stogrovers in Siberian<br />

settlenents. <strong>The</strong> reason I &^,e11 on this is that vitrile the author's<br />

description of places and people are extrenely inforrnative and<br />

interesting, they tend, a1so, to be nDSt revealing of the qr:ality<br />

of rnind and ctraraster of the rairiter himself . He is nost discerning<br />


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