The Weber collection; Greek coins ... - Forvm Ancient Coins

The Weber collection; Greek coins ... - Forvm Ancient Coins

The Weber collection; Greek coins ... - Forvm Ancient Coins


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No. Wt.<br />

682<br />

PI. 29<br />

683<br />

PI. 29<br />

684<br />

PI. 29<br />

685<br />

PI. 29<br />

99-9<br />

6.47<br />

86<br />

5 - 57<br />

Metal<br />

Size<br />

M. 20<br />

JK20<br />

13.6 ill2<br />

0.;<br />

H-4<br />

0.93<br />

An<br />

.<br />



l^L. TAPAZ (to 1.). Taras, with a leafy crown on his head, seated on<br />

dolphin to 1., turning sideways, with 1. hand raising his chlamys,<br />

and with r. holding trident which rests on his shoulder; in field<br />

to r., ; t beneath dolphin, waves and cuttle fish. — Didrachm.<br />

Cf. Evans, p. 195, G 1 (PI. x, 7).<br />

Cf. B. M. Cat., p. 185, n° 187.<br />

Cf. Car., PI. cxin, 180.<br />

Type H.<br />

(H. Hoffmann.)<br />

Horseman to r., bare-headed, in full military costume, with tunic,<br />

thorax, shoulder-pieces and mantle, on horse cantering to r. ; his<br />

face and upper part of body facing; holds out his r. hand behind<br />

him to receive small wreath-bearing Nike; in field to 1., IP and<br />

crescent; beneath horse, KAAAIKPATHZ (indistinct).<br />

fyL. TA [PAZ] (below). Taras on dolphin to 1., holding trident in 1.<br />

hand, and extending r. to receive small wreath-bearing Nike; in<br />

field to r., NE. — Didrachm.<br />

Evans, p. 196, H 2 (PI. x, 8).<br />

B. M. Cat., p. 197, 1105276-277.<br />

Car., PI. cxn, 158.<br />

(Boyne sale, 1896; lot 30.;<br />

Similar type, but monogram with crescent above, and inscription<br />

very plain.<br />

J$L. Similar type. — Didrachm.<br />

Evans, p. 156, H 1.<br />

Small Denominations.<br />

(W. T. Ready.)<br />

Head of Athene, in triple-crested helmet, three-quarter face to 1.<br />

r>£. Herakles throwing Antaeus, to 1. ; in field to r., $1 ; between<br />

legs of Herakles, club. — Diobol.<br />

Car., PL cxvi, 282.<br />

Garr., PI. XCIX, 44.<br />

(A. Sambon, 1895.)<br />

Head of Athene to 1., in Athenian helmet with crest and adorned<br />

with Skylla.<br />

146 —

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