Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler


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would never have been able to rise into the stifling flood which for five years now has been<br />

drowning the very last remnant of respect for us on the part of the rest of the world.<br />

This most of all shows the assertion that the lost War was the cause of the German collapse<br />

to be a lie. No, this military collapse was itself only the consequence of a large number of<br />

symptoms of disease and their causes, which even in peacetime were with the German<br />

nation. This was the first consequence, catastrophic and visible to all, of an ethical and<br />

moral poisoning, of a diminution in the instinct of self-preservation and its preconditions,<br />

which for many years had begun to undermine the foundations of the people and the Reich.<br />

It required the whole bottomless falsehood of the Jews and their Marxist fighting organization<br />

to lay the blame for the collapse on that very man who alone, with superhuman energy and<br />

will power, tried to prevent the catastrophe he foresaw and save the nation from its time of<br />

deepest humiliation and disgrace By branding Ludendorff as guilty for the loss of the World<br />

War they took the weapon of moral right from the one dangerous accuser who could have<br />

risen against the traitors to the fatherland. In this they proceeded on the sound principle<br />

that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great<br />

masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than<br />

consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their<br />

minds they more easily fall a victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie<br />

in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never<br />

enter their heads and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous<br />

effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others; yes, even when enlightened on the<br />

subject, they will long doubt and waver, and continue to accept at least one of these causes<br />

as true. Therefore, something of even the most insolent lie will always remain and stick-a fact<br />

which all the great lie-virtuosi and lying-clubs in this world know only too well and also make<br />

the most treacherous use of.<br />

The foremost connoisseurs of this truth regarding the possibilities in the use of falsehood<br />

and slander have always been the Jews; for after all, their whole existence is based on one<br />

single great lie, to wit, that they are a religious community while actually they are a race-and<br />

what a race ! One of the greatest minds of humanity has nailed them forever as such in an<br />

eternally correct phrase of fundamental truth: he called them 'the great masters of the lie.'<br />

And anyone who does not recognize this or does not want to believe it will never in this world<br />

be able to help the truth to victory.<br />

For the German people it must almost be considered a great good fortune that its period of<br />

creeping sickness was suddenly cut short <strong>by</strong> so terrible a catastrophe, for otherwise the<br />

nation would have gone to the dogs more slowly perhaps, but all the more certainly. The<br />

disease would have become chronic, while in the acute form of the collapse it at least became<br />

clearly and distinctly recognizable to a considerable number of people. It was no accident<br />

that man mastered the plague more easily than tuberculosis. The one comes in terrible<br />

waves of death that shake humanity to the foundations, the other slowly and stealthily; the<br />

one leads to terrible fear, the other to gradual indifference. The consequence is that man<br />

opposed the one with all the ruthlessness of his energy, while he tries to control consumption<br />

with feeble means. Thus he mastered the plague, while tuberculosis masters him.<br />

Exactly the same is true of diseases of national bodies. If they do not take the form of<br />

catastrophe, man slowly begins to get accustomed to them and at length, though it may take<br />

some time, perishes all the more certainly of them. And so it is a good fortune-though a bitter<br />

one, to be sure-when Fate resolves to take a hand in this slow process of putrefaction and<br />

with a sudden blow makes the victim visualize the end of his disease. For more than once,<br />

that is what such a catastrophe amounts to Then it can easily become the cause of a<br />

recovery beginning with the utmost determination.<br />

But even in such a case, the prerequisite is again the recognition of the inner grounds which<br />

cause the disease in question.

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