Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler


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the more significant if the end is conceived in the right way and the fight carried through<br />

with unswerving persistence.<br />

Many of the officials who direct the affairs of State nowadays may find it easier to work for<br />

the maintenance of the present order than to fight for a new one. They will find it more<br />

comfortable to look upon the State as a mechanism, whose purpose is its own preservation,<br />

and to say that their lives 'belong to the State' -- as if anything that grew from the inner life of<br />

the nation can logically serve anything but the national being, and as if man could be made<br />

for anything else than for his fellow beings. Naturally, it is easier, as I have said, to consider<br />

the authority of the State as nothing but the formal mechanism of an organization, rather<br />

than as the sovereign incarnation of a people's instinct for self-preservation on this earth. For<br />

these weak minds the State and the authority of the State is nothing but an aim in itself,<br />

while for us it is an effective weapon in the service of the great and eternal struggle for<br />

existence, a weapon which everyone must adopt, not because it is a mere formal mechanism,<br />

but because it is the main expression of our common will to exist.<br />

Therefore, in the fight for our new idea, which conforms completely to the primal meaning of<br />

life, we shall find only a small number of comrades in a social order which has become<br />

decrepit not only physically but mentally also. From these strata of our population only a few<br />

exceptional people will join our ranks, only those few old people whose hearts have remained<br />

young and whose courage is still vigorous, but not those who consider it their duty to<br />

maintain the state of affairs that exists.<br />

Against us we have the innumerable army of all those who are lazy-minded and indifferent<br />

rather than evil, and those whose self-interest leads them to uphold the present state of<br />

affairs. On the apparent hopelessness of our great struggle is based the magnitude of our<br />

task and the possibilities of success. A battle-cry which from the very start will scare off all<br />

the petty spirits, or at least discourage them, will become the signal for a rally of all those<br />

temperaments that are of the real fighting metal. And it must be clearly recognized that if a<br />

highly energetic and active body of men emerge from a nation and unite in the fight for one<br />

goal, there<strong>by</strong> ultimately rising above the inert masses of the people, this small percentage will<br />

become masters of the whole. World history is made <strong>by</strong> minorities if these numerical<br />

minorities represent in themselves the will and energy and initiative of the people as a whole.<br />

What seems an obstacle to many persons is really a preliminary condition of our victory. Just<br />

because our task is so great and because so many difficulties have to be overcome, the<br />

highest probability is that only the best kind of protagonists will join our ranks. This<br />

selection is the guarantee of our success.<br />

Nature generally takes certain measures to correct the effect which racial mixture produces<br />

in life. She is not much in favour of the mongrel. The later products of cross-breeding have to<br />

suffer bitterly, especially the third, fourth and fifth generations. Not only are they deprived of<br />

the higher qualities that belonged to the parents who participated in the first mixture, but<br />

they also lack definite will-power and vigorous vital energies owing to the lack of harmony in<br />

the quality of their blood. At all critical moments in which a person of pure racial blood<br />

makes correct decisions, that is to say, decisions that are coherent and uniform, the person<br />

of mixed blood will become confused and take measures that are incoherent. Hence we see<br />

that a person of mixed blood is not only relatively inferior to a person of pure blood, but is<br />

also doomed to become extinct more rapidly. In innumerable cases wherein the pure race<br />

holds its ground the mongrel breaks down. Therein we witness the corrective provision which<br />

Nature adopts. She restricts the possibilities of procreation, thus impeding the fertility of<br />

cross-breeds and bringing them to extinction.

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