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dicho que para que proceda la revocación por inconsistencia, los veredictos tienen que haberse<br />

basado en evidencia idéntica en cuanto a todos los coacusados. En un caso del siglo pasado se<br />

expresó, sobre el particular, lo siguiente:<br />

"Of course, as a matter of pleading, two may be jointly indicted for the same offense, whether<br />

the offense be in its nature joint or not; and, on a joint trial before a jury, where the offense is not<br />

in nature joint, one may be convicted and the other acquitted, or one may be convicted and the<br />

jury disagree as to the other, provided the evidence warrants the difference in the results. But<br />

where there is but one witness, and his testimony equally affects both, it is simply impossible<br />

that a different result can be legally reached as to the two. Davis v. State of Miss., 23 So. 770,<br />

771 (1898). (Enfasis suplido)<br />

No obstante, este caso fue revocado en 1975 en Newell v. State of Miss., 308 So. 68, 70 (1976)<br />

para acogerse a la doctrina que permite los veredictos inconsistentes. En Newell se juzgó<br />

conjuntamente a dos coacusados del delito de violación. El único testimonio fue el de la víctima.<br />

El Tribunal razonó:<br />

"If the defendants Newell and McCormick had been tried separately on the same indictment and<br />

the testimony had been identical in both cases, and acquittal of one would not affect a verdict of<br />

guilty as to the other. The rule should be the same when they are tried together."<br />

La emisión de veredictos inconsistentes también se ha favorecido por tratadistas:<br />

{DPR 341} "... [i]t has been argued that 'an enlightened jurisprudence should not thus permit the<br />

jailing of accused persons on a record exhibiting verdicts in which a jury simultaneously says<br />

'yes' and 'no' in answer to a single critical question.' But it is better to have such inconsistency<br />

than to try to forbid it. It is well to remember that the 'true rationale for the rule permitting<br />

inconsistent verdicts in a single trial is that a jury may convict on some counts but not on others,<br />

not because they are unconvinced of guilt, but because of compassion or compromise.' The<br />

exercise of such leniency, which is an aspect of the right to jury trial, is preferable to a system in<br />

which jurors, whenever they believed the defendant guilty, 'would be strong-armed into<br />

rendering an all-or-nothing verdict." 3 La Fave & Israel, The Criminal Trial. Deliberations and<br />

Verdict, Sec. 23.7. Notas omitidas.<br />

Es menester concluir que la doctrina y la línea jurisprudencial sobre veredictos inconsistentes no<br />

favorece la contención de la apelante Echevarría Rodríguez. Aunque ésta alega que el veredicto<br />

no estuvo fundamentado en un sentimiento de indulgencia por parte del jurado hacia el<br />

coacusado López Watts, sino que fue consecuencia de error o parcialidad por parte del Jurado,<br />

ella no ha rebatido la presunción de que los jurados siguen las instrucciones impartidas, de que<br />

su función de juzgador se ha descargado conforme a derecho y estuvo desprovista de todo<br />

prejuicio. Además, cualquier argumento que pudiera esgrimir sería completamente especulativo,<br />

toda vez que no se tiene acceso al proceso de deliberación. Sobre este particular, el Tribunal<br />

Supremo Federal ha señalado:<br />

"We also reject, as imprudent and unworkable, a rule that would allow criminal defendants to<br />

challenge inconsistent verdicts on the ground that in their case the verdict was not the product of<br />


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