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C O M PA N Y P RO F I L Ebaumann medical AGInterview with CEOMax-Peter Felchlinlaboratories, private laboratories and physicians’ laboratories throughoutSwitzerland. What sets your instruments and services apart?With 30 years of experience, baumann medical and its products arewell known for their reliability and performance. Our focus is on thecustomer and we provide an optimum cost/performance ratio.Your product range includes analyzing instruments from different manufacturers,but your company also produces its own differentiation equipmentand supplies the necessary software. Why do laboratories need differentiationequipment?In differentiation, cells from the various bodily fluids are counted andevaluated. Differentiation equipment is the tool used to count differenttypes and groups of cell. For example with blood, the white blood cells(leucocytes) are analyzed. A simple differentiation instrument consistsof a special keyboard and a digital display. Each key is assigned to aspecific cell.The differentiation equipment produced by baumann medical is called mediff.What does this system include and what samples can be analyzed with it?Our mediff equipment consists mainly of two components: One is thekeyboard with special keys to be used for all possible types of cell; theother is the software, which can be used on a panel PC, laptop or PC.Our mediff system can be used to differentiate and evaluate all typesof sample, including blood, bone marrow, urine, fluids and sperm.“Our focus is on the customerand we provide an optimum cost/performance ratio.”Your mediff has been under continuous development over the last decades.What are the major challenges facing production today?The new mediff generation, launched on the market in 2008, hasbeen compiled as a modular system. The aim was for customers to beable to design a mediff system to suit their requirements. The mediffsystem can be used with a panel PC or a standard PC. The hardwarecomponents consist of the mediff keyboard, panel PC, table-topstands, wall bracket, thermal printer and a barcode reader.A standard version of the software is available, which can besupplemented and combined with a wide variety of options, forexample, an evaluation module, displays of other system data, database,networking several mediff products, etc. The biggest challenge facedby the development team lies in programming the networkingconnections.How far can the mediff system be adapted to suit individual laboratory’sneeds?Several laboratories were involved in the development of the latestgeneration, which has led to optimal, customer-specific solutions.Customer preferences are still being considered and integrated intoour mediff systems.35What type of services do you provide for the mediff – do you also offerconsultation and training?When evaluating a new mediff system, we first carry out a demonstrationfor the customer and advise them of the various options available.Then, depending on the options, the relevant specialists becomeinvolved, e.g. from IT. We deliver, install and provide training on themediff systems free of charge.© baumann medical AGSwiss Label CHUV 2010baumann medical agHofstrasse 105 - CH-8620 WetzikonTel.: +41 (0)44 933 50 00 - Fax: +41 (0)44 933 50 01E-mail: info@bm-medical.chWebsite: www.bm-medical.ch - www.mediff.ch

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