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<strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong>Interview with Sigrid Sutter,© <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong>Vice-President of <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong>WHAT IS <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong>?The trademark of <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong>, the society for the promotion of Swiss products and services, is the crossbow. Theroots of <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> date back to the beginning of the last century: founded in 1917 as “Schweizer Woche”. Todaythe crossbow symbol is protected in Switzerland but also in many other countries under the trademark laws. Onlymembers of <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> are allowed to use the crossbow as a Swiss seal of origin on their products or documents.The Swiss contribution of value must be at least 50 percent for the trademark to be used. Close to 350 companies ofvarious sizes and from different branches are members of <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> - with a marked upward trend. In addition,our members undertake to uphold the quality level customary in the sector as a minimum requirement. Swiss NationalCouncillor Bruno Zuppiger acts as President since June 2003 while the secretariat is run by the Swiss trade and craftsassociation (www.swisslabel.ch)Ms Sutter, what objectives does <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> pursue and what is thebenefit involved here?<strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> wants to make a contribution to the preservation andpromotion of Switzerland as a centre of business by using a clear andsimple country-of-origin emblem - the crossbow. The aim is to promotethe sale of Swiss products and services both at home and abroad.Here the crossbow symbolises values typical of Switzerland thatencourage trust: quality, safety, reliability and tradition.What is the benefit here to members of <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong>?Our members stand out from the competition thanks to the clear-cutidentification of origin. They also identify with the liberal pro-businessobjectives of <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong>, which are documented by means of acertificate. In addition, our members benefit from a free initial advicesession about issues of trademark law. In future <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> wishesto offer its members even better assistance with the marketing of theirproducts and services, thus helping to promote and strengthenSwitzerland as a centre of production and employment. Here the aimis to encourage a spirit of responsible free enterprise and to protect itfrom unnecessary state intervention hindering its development.How do you become a member of <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong>?Membership and the associated right of using the crossbow as a protectedtrademark is granted by the conclusion of a so-called user agreementbetween the company in question and <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong>. Once theprerequisites have been satisfied, admission of the company is swiftlyapproved by the board without great bureaucracy within ten days. Thecrossbow is currently protected for all categories of goods in Switzerlandand for various products and services in our key export markets.How does <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> ensure quality assurance?In 2006 we introduced a straightforward unbureaucratic controllingsystem for our members, which provides for the periodicchecking of standards. We stipulate that at least 50 percent ofperformance be effected in Switzerland. As Vice-President of<strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong>, I am responsible for carrying out our controlling inperson. This allows us to enter into dialogue with our members andto cater for their needs and requirements. This is not only beneficialfor myself and <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> but also for the members visited.Would the Swiss Cross not be a better emblem for indicating the countryof origin than the crossbow?Yes and no. The Swiss Cross is undoubtedly far better known than thecrossbow. However, the law currently governing coats of armsprohibits the use of the Swiss Cross as an indication of origin on products.According to proposals made by the Bundesrat (federal councilof Switzerland) it is planned in future to also allow the use of the SwissCross on goods manufactured within the country. Here the aim is tocombat misuse both at home and abroad in a more consistent manner.In view of <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> such clarification is undoubtedlywelcomed. We will be carefully analysing the possible consequenceswhere the crossbow is concerned.Furthermore we encounter an ever-growing need for the clear identificationof products and services by origin, particularly in today’shectic age of increasing globalisation and constant change. This isalso demonstrated by the growth in our membership, which haseasily doubled in the last three years.<strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> AND COM CONSULTING AG<strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> and COM CONSULTING <strong>SA</strong>,La Chaux-de-Fonds, are linked by a cooperation agreement.COM CONSULTING AG draws up business publications inconsultation with <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> - compiled according to specificthemes or cantons. The objective is to promote Switzerland as acentre of business. <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> assists COM CONSULTING<strong>SA</strong> by establishing initial contacts at a political level for therealisation of the individual publications.COM CONSULTING <strong>SA</strong> however bears sole responsibility forthe texts, with the exception of the present <strong>SWISS</strong> <strong>LABEL</strong> page.5Swiss Label CHUV 2010

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