advancing knowledge, spreading prosperity - Kresna Securities

advancing knowledge, spreading prosperity - Kresna Securities

advancing knowledge, spreading prosperity - Kresna Securities


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Fixed Income<br />

Dalam mengantisipasi meningkatnya kegiatan pasar<br />

modal di masa yang akan datang, divisi Fixed Income<br />

akan terus meningkatkan kinerjanya, baik dengan<br />

meningkatkan profesionalisme stafnya, menambah<br />

jumlah staf dan terus meningkatkan keandalan<br />

sistem teknologi yang digunakan. Dan akan lebih<br />

aktif lagi untuk meningkatkan kegiatan perdagangan<br />

surat utang, baik di pasar modal maupun pasar yang<br />

dengan berkolaborasi dengan lembaga keuangan<br />

lainnya dalam rangka peningkatan akses dan<br />

nasabah dalam melakukan transaksi.<br />

Asset Management<br />

Perseroan berupaya meningkatkan peran Divisi<br />

Asset Management, dengan melihat berbagai<br />

kemungkinan produk reksa dana yang bisa<br />

diciptakan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pemodal.<br />

Potensi reksa dana untuk tumbuh cukup besar jika<br />

dilihat dari perkembangan tabungan perorangan di<br />

bank komersial yang terus meningkat. Selain reksa<br />

dana, Perseroan berupaya meningkatkan peran<br />

Pengelolaan Portofolio Efek Nasabah Individual<br />

(PPENI), yang merupakan bentuk pengelolaan<br />

dana berdasarkan kontrak antara Manajer Investasi<br />

Perseroan dengan Investor untuk suatu periode<br />

tertentu. Penurunan tingkat suku bunga simpanan<br />

saat ini mendorong masyarakat untuk mencari<br />

alternatif investasi yang memberikan hasil yang<br />

maksimal. Kesadaran masyarakat akan adanya<br />

reksa dana sebagai alternatif penempatan dana<br />

telah mendorong pertumbuhan jumlah dana kelolaan<br />

dalam industri reksa dana. Kerjasama antara Manajer<br />

Investasi dan Industri perbankan juga mendorong<br />

perkembangan industri reksa dana di Indonesia.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

In anticipating the growth of capital market activities<br />

in the future, the Fixed Income division will continue<br />

to improve on its performance, by increasing the<br />

professionalism of the staff, increasing the number<br />

of qualified staff and also by improving on the system<br />

of the technology used. Also by being more active in<br />

order to increase on bond trading activities, both in<br />

the capital markets as well as in the market which by<br />

collaborating with other financial institutions in order<br />

to improve on access and the number of customers<br />

doing transactions.<br />

Asset Management<br />

The Company seeks to increase the role of Asset<br />

Management Division, by looking at various<br />

possibilities of mutual funds products that can be to<br />

suit the needs of investors. The potential of mutual<br />

funds to grow is quite big if seen from the growth in<br />

personal savings in commercial banks that continues<br />

to increase. Apart from mutual funds, the Company is<br />

working on enhancing the role of <strong>Securities</strong> Portfolio<br />

Management for Individual Customer (PPENI), which<br />

is a form of fund management based on contract<br />

made between Company Investment Manager with<br />

Investor for a certain period of time. The current<br />

drop in the deposit interest rates pushes people<br />

to find alternative investment that could provide<br />

maximum results. The awareness from the public<br />

of the existence of mutual funds as an alternative<br />

to for fund placement has driven growth in the total<br />

of funds managed within the mutual funds industry.<br />

The collaboration between the Investment Manager<br />

and the Banking Industries also encourages<br />

the development in the mutual funds industry in<br />

Indonesia.<br />


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