advancing knowledge, spreading prosperity - Kresna Securities

advancing knowledge, spreading prosperity - Kresna Securities

advancing knowledge, spreading prosperity - Kresna Securities


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Sekretaris Perseroan<br />

memiliki tiga fungsi<br />

Utama yaitu sebagai<br />

Liaison Officer,<br />

Compliance Officer<br />

dan Investor Relation<br />

Executive.<br />

Corporate Secretary<br />

has three main areas of<br />

duty: Liaison Officer,<br />

Compliance Officer<br />

and Investor Relations<br />

Executive.<br />

Sesuai dengan ketentuan yang terdapat<br />

dalam Peraturan No.IX.I.4, Lampiran<br />

Keputusan Ketua BAPEPAM-LK No.Kep-63/<br />

PM/1996 tanggal 17 Januari 1996 tentang<br />

Pembentukan Sekretaris Perseroan,<br />

berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi<br />

Perseroan No.21/KGS/DIR/VI/2009 tanggal<br />

15 Juni 2009, Perseroan telah menunjuk<br />

Sdri. Tevi Sarie sebagai Sekretaris Perseroan<br />

yang menjalankan tugas-tugas Sekretaris<br />

Perseroan, sebagaimana diatur dalam<br />

ketentuan tersebut di atas.<br />

Hal ini merupakan bentuk komitmen<br />

terhadap transparansi bagi semua<br />

stakeholder. Sekretaris Perseroan berperan<br />

untuk menyediakan informasi mengenai<br />

Perseroan kepada publik (Pemerintah<br />

Indonesia, Investor dan Masyarakat), serta<br />

menyediakan informasi mengenai peraturanperaturan<br />

terkait yang dibutuhkan oleh<br />

Direksi. Sekretaris Perseroan memberikan<br />

informasi kondisi Perseroan, perkembangan<br />

pasar (khususnya mengenai peraturan) dan<br />

rekomendasi kepada Manajemen dalam<br />

upaya mematuhi dan memenuhi peraturan<br />

pasar modal yang berlaku. Dengan<br />

demikian Sekretaris Perseroan memiliki tiga<br />

fungsi Utama yaitu sebagai Liaison Officer,<br />

Compliance Officer dan Investor Relation<br />

Executive. Sekretaris Perseroan berperan<br />

dalam menyampaikan informasi penting<br />

kepada para stakeholder.<br />

Tevi Sarie adalah Warga Negara Indonesia<br />

dan dilahirkan di Manna, Bengkulu Selatan<br />

pada tahun 1967. Setelah menyelesaikan<br />

pendidikan nya di Fakultas Psikologi<br />

Universitas Kristen Maranatha Bandung<br />

dengan program Studi Psikologi Klinis pada<br />

tahun 1994, Beliau bekerja di PT Santosa<br />

Prima Sentosa sebagai Senior Officer HRD,<br />

kemudian di Holding Company (PT Inti<br />

Karya Megah, PT Internusa Karya Megah,<br />

PT Internusa Listelindo) sebagai Personel<br />

Manager serta melanjutkan karirnya sebagai<br />

HRD Manager di PT TA Ongko <strong>Securities</strong>.<br />

Pada tahun 2000 beliau bergabung di PT<br />

<strong>Kresna</strong> Graha Sekurindo Tbk dengan jabatan<br />

terakhir sebagai Vice President di HCD,<br />

selanjutnya dari tahun 2009 hingga saat ini<br />

menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Perseroan.<br />

In accordance with Provision No.IX.I.4,<br />

Attachment of the Decree of Head of<br />

BAPEPAM-LK No.Kep-63/PM/1996,<br />

dated January 17, 1996 concerning the<br />

establishment of a Company Corporate<br />

Secretary, as per Decree No.21/KGS/DIR/<br />

VI/2009 dated June 15, 2009, the Company<br />

has appointed Ms. Tevi Sarie to serve as<br />

Corporate Secretary and to exercise in full<br />

her duties as set forth in the ruling mentioned<br />

above.<br />

This is a form of commitment of transparency<br />

toward all stakeholders. The key role of<br />

the Corporate Secretary is to serve as<br />

the conveyer of company information to<br />

the public (the Government of Indonesia,<br />

investors and the public at large), as well<br />

as providing pertinent information related<br />

to prevailing regulations of the Board<br />

of Directors. The Corporate Secretary<br />

provides information relating to <strong>Kresna</strong><br />

<strong>Securities</strong>’ condition, market developments<br />

(particularly regarding regulatory matters)<br />

and recommendations to Management<br />

for better compliance and fulfillment of<br />

prevailing capital market regulations. Thus,<br />

the Corporate Secretary has three main<br />

areas of duty: Liaison Officer, Compliance<br />

Officer and Investor Relations Executive.<br />

The Corporate Secretary holds a pivotal<br />

position in communicating key messages to<br />

<strong>Kresna</strong> <strong>Securities</strong>’ stakeholders, as crucially<br />

required by Management.<br />

Tevi Sarie is an Indonesian citizen and was<br />

born in Manna, South Bengkulu in 1967.<br />

After completing her education at the<br />

Faculty of Psychology, Maranatha Christian<br />

University, Bandung, majoring in Clinical<br />

Psychology (1994), she worked as Senior<br />

Officer in the Human Resource Department<br />

at PT Santosa Prima Sentosa, and was later<br />

promoted to work in the Holding Company<br />

(PT Inti Karya Megah, PT Internusa Karya<br />

Megah, PT Internusa Listelindo) as Personnel<br />

Manager. Tevi then continued her career at<br />

PT TA Ongko <strong>Securities</strong>, and in 2000 she<br />

joined PT <strong>Kresna</strong> Graha Sekurindo Tbk<br />

as Vice President in the Human Resource<br />

Department; from 2009 until the present,<br />

Tevi has served as a Corporate Secretary.<br />


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