Водный транспорт Юга России 2019

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Maritime and river agencies

SK-BARS company has

nearly twenty years of experience

in the fleet services

market within the territorial

boundaries of the Azov-Don basin.

It was founded in 2001. From

the first days of work, the company

adheres to the principle of

professionalism. Today it is one of

the largest enterprises in the

agency services market. A wide

client base among charterers and

shipowners indicates that high

professional skills receive a positive

assessment from them. OOO

SK-BARS is among the ten most

sought-after agencies of the

Azov-Don basin.

The company is engaged in organizing

integrated fleet services

within the territorial boundaries

of the Azov-Don basin, the Volga-

Don basin, the Volga basin, and

in transit through the Kerch-Enikal


OOO SK-BARS offers its

partners the following range of


agency services for vessels in

the ports of Rostov and Azov;

implementation of pilotage;



bunkering to vessels of fuel

and lubricants, fresh water,

fleet technical supplies, provisions,


provision of all possible measures

for the quickest processing

of vessels and timely

execution of the necessary

cargo documents;

organization and maintenance

of current and emergency

repair of vessels;

work with local authorities;

meeting crew members, registration

and delivery on board

the ship.

Good reputation and gained

experience allow us to develop

new business directions. Such a

direction for the company was the

forwarding of coal, grain, scrap

metal. Brokerage department

provides services for chartering

vessels. In 2015, Bars Logistics,

a subsidiary freight forwarding

company, was opened, which, together

with foreign partners, operates

two Slavutych-type dry

cargo vessels. Today, coal is

transported on these ships on a

regular basis.

For pilotage, the company acquired

a special vessel.

Business partners of the

shipping maritime agency SK-

ул. Станиславского, 241/54

г. Ростов-на-Дону, 344022, Россия

Тел./факс: +7 (863) 218-51-98



241/54 Stanislavskogo Ul.

Rostov-on-Don, 344022, Russia

tel./fax: +7 (863) 218-51-98

e-mail: barss@aaanet.ru


BARS speak of it as a reliable

and conscientious participant in

relations in the maritime transport

market. Developing the

scope of its activities, SK-BARS

team creates favorable conditions

for optimizing the investment

climate in the region, attracting

new participants to the

goods and services market, and

improving the maritime transport

process. The company actively

promotes further development

of the shipping company in

the Azov-Don basin.

The employees of OOO SK-

BARS are a team of experienced,

active professionals who will offer

solutions to any problems, in

the best way providing and protecting

the interests of the participants

of maritime transport in

the ports.

Water transport of the South of Russia 75

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